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The four boys stared at the entrance to the once brilliant arcade. The area was closed off by an iron screen, a paper on the front saying 'closed until further notice'. Terrence and Kasey slumped their shoulders.

"Well, now can we do something that's actually entertaining," Danny muttered.

Arrow rolled his eyes. "Don't worry. I can get us in," he muttered, fiddling with the metal guard.

"Arrow, that's a really bad idea!" Kasey snapped, panic laced in his voice.

Danny stood back, shaking his head. "I'm just gonna go. I don't feel like being arrested." He just started to head his separate way when someone's voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Oh! Don't go so soon! We're just about to open back up!" The four boys turned their heads to look at the source of the voice.

There was a man. Even at a distance, he looked deathly sick. His body looked like his skin was stretched tightly over his bones like a too-small suit. His cheek bones jutted out, making the flesh beneath them sink in, and his yellow teeth were revealed by a toothy grin. He wore a uniform, one of the old, red ones from the Play Palace.

"Really?" Terrence asked with excitement.

Danny looked the man up and down, his skin crawling. "No... We aren't that desperate."

"Come on. We just had to do some maintenance. There's nothing wrong with the place," A voice said from behind the sketchy man. A young version of the sick man appeared behind him. The two looked like a teenage picture beside an elderly picture of the same person.

The old man began to open up the gate, Terrence and Kasey eagerly awaiting their entrance to the old arcade. Danny didn't budge, and Arrow stepped back to stand beside him, the same look of unease on his face.

"I don't like this..." Arrow whispered to Danny who nodded his head.

"Me neither... I don't know how those two don't sense it..." Danny whispered back.

The moment the metal fence swung open, Kasey and Terrence rushed inside. Danny stared at them in disgust and shock, he and Arrow standing back. The two strange men followed them in and disappeared in the darkness of the blacked out room.

"Well... We can't just let them go in there alone," Arrow mumbled.

 Danny nodded, not taking his eyes off of the arcade. "Okay... How about a truce?" He asked Arrow quietly. "I'll be nice and not say anything negative on your behalf, and you and I team up to get those idiots out of there."

Arrow looked at him, his grey-blue eyes narrowed. "And if you break that, I get a few cuts in," He said, nodding.

Danny also nodded, offering his hand to Arrow to shake on it. Arrow's pale hand connected with Danny's tan one, the two hands moving up and down. With that, the two bigger sized boys headed into the darkness of the arcade. As they walked in, all the dim lights on the roof shot on, all at once, blinding both of them. The dings and jolly music of all of the games cried out, and the place seemed to become alive.

Danny looked around, trying to hide his face full of awe. The space was giant, and even with the multitude of machines, there was a substantial amount of walking space. Terrence and Kasey had already logged onto one of the old game consoles; it was something simple like Pacman. The two younger boys were laughing and joking around, already seeming to have a blast.

Danny and Arrow walked up to them, Arrow gripping Kasey's arm and Danny grabbing Terrence's shoulder. "We're going now!" Arrow snapped at them with such urgency, it finally opened Kasey's eyes.

"This isn't right. We need to get out of here before something happens," Danny told them.

"Why? There is absolutely nothing wrong! They just said that they needed to do some maintenance! That's all!" Terrence shot back at them. "They have the uniforms and all! And the old guy seems to be the right age to own the place!"

Danny shook his head. "He doesn't give you a bad feeling?" He exclaimed.

Both Kasey and Terrence shook their heads.

"Damn it Kasey! You're so spoiled that it's robbed you of common sense!" Arrow snarled, yanking his brother away from the game.

Kasey screamed, aiming a well targeted punch for Arrow's gut. Shocked, Arrow's grip on his arm deteriorated, and he slumped over, holding his stomach where Kasey had drilled him. Both Terrence and Danny's eyes shot open huge as they stared at the two brothers.

What do I do if Arrow pulls his knife on Kasey?! Danny thought in a panic.

Instead of reacting, Arrow straightened his posture, standing at his full six foot one inch. "You wanna take your chances with Mr. Creep, you go right on ahead. I'm leaving before I get freaking butt raped," He snarled sarcastically, turning and heading around a corner for the exit. Danny glanced at Terrence and Kasey before following Arrow out. He wasn't a fan of Arrow, but in the situation at hand, he seemed to have the most common sense. He chased after him, eventually catching up to him. The two strolled for the exit side-by-side, both uneasy on the trip.

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