When the Arrow Finds It's Mark

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"Arrie!" Ellie screamed, bolting to stand in front of him. He put a hand on her shoulder, his body phasing in and out of existence, his glow shifting from white to red.

Tom and Lilith stood on his right, and Zack and Kasey on his left, Terrence and Anna behind them. In the forest surrounding them were hundreds of spirits, all angry and glaring at the man before them. The man who had robbed them of the gift of life.

"Where is Michael?" Lilith growled, glaring at the man who had once been her father.

The man smirked, a much bigger and younger man jumping out of a tree, landing on top of her. Lilith screeched, tumbling under the boy's weight.

"How did he? We're dead!" Terrence shrieked.

And that's when total chaos broke free. The spirits collapsed from their stand, charging at the two zombies before them. Most of them went after Michael, as he was closer, the other man vanishing from sight.

"Where'd he go?" Arrow snapped, his eyes scanning every inch of the area. All that was in sight was the spirits beating on a nearly dead Michael.

Zack snarled lowly. "Lets go! This ends tonight!" He snapped, pointing into the trees.

"He took Ellie!" Terrence shrieked, bolting into the trees.

Arrow charged after him, Kasey, Anna, and Zack following suit just behind him. The woods were filled with the sounds of the angered spirits, though, the farther away from the main group they got, the soft sounds of Ellie crying could be heard.

"ELLIE!" Terrence screamed as he searched high and low for his precious baby sister.

Arrow ran at his side, the little girl meaning almost as much to him. He and Terrence had grown up together, done everything together. He was family, and thus so was little Ellie. At the end of the meadow stood the zombified man, holding the screaming and crying child, ready to take a bite out of her flesh.

"HEY!" Terrence screeched, throwing a rock at the zombie.

The undead man looked up, distracted by the rock in time to connect with Arrow's cast iron fist.

"I don't know how I'm doing this, but you done for!" Arrow screeched.

He threw Ellie to the ground, the little girl scrambling away to her brother.

"You lost one time," The zombie snarled before breaking out coughing. "And you'll lose again. My curse will reign forever! I will live forever! I ate my own children for this! I will live on!"

Arrow scowled. "You're sick."

The man smirked, nodding. "You're right, Kid, I am a sick man. But in this world, may the strongest man live!" he lunged at Arrow who barely managed to step back in time before getting smacked.

The zombie didn't give Arrow any moment to react, aiming punch after punch at him, taking him to the ground.

"Arrow!" Kasey screamed, trying to help his brother. 

Anna shook her head, grabbing Kasey's arm. "This is a battle that only he can win, Kasey. If you intrude, the prophesy will be meaningless."

"Kick his ass, Arrow! Make Grandpa proud!" Zack shouted, pretending to punch the air.

Kasey and Terrence glanced at Zack, their eyes wide with confusion, though they turned back to the fight.

The zombie had Arrow pinned. "I won this fight once, Arrow Calihan! I WILL win it again! Especially once I steal back my other half!"

He stepped off of Arrow, his eyes and mouth open wide. A golden glow shot out of them, the man screaming and laughing. By now, the other spirits had gathered around the clearing, watching with wide eyes.

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