Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

That night, I slept restlessly.

I never dreamt. I stopped dreaming when I was six because dreams were impossible. They were for people who had goals and hopes. I had none of those things, and even though I had Akin now and my life was infinitely better, I still didn't dream. I only relieved memories, all of which were awful, but there were some worse than others.

I found myself reliving the moment I was first slammed down on the dirty bathroom floor of a goth club in Styx. I was drugged up on something Epimetheus had paid the bartender to slip into my drink. It caused a strange heat to spread through me, a buzzing in my ears, my magic to become useless, and my muscles to feel like pudding. I could only lay there, breathing hard as random hands forced my arms behind my back, hooking them with a silver hook on the cuffs on my wrists. Someone tied something around my head, gagging my mouth, and a fist bashed me over the head, making my vision spin and twirl.

The bathroom smelled awful; shit and urine wafting up my nostrils accompanied by the cheap smell of a floral air freshener in a dingy corner near rusty sinks. Someone broke a mirror and the sound of it shattering rang in my ears. I heard laughter and someone cursing, a steel-toed boot slamming into my ribs and causing one to fracture, making me choke in pain.

Someone's fist sank into my hair and yanked my head up at a painful angle while another person dug their foot down into my spine, threatening to snap it. Someone shoved a piece of broken mirror in my face, and though their words were slurred from the drug in my system, I could still smell and feel the rage and disgust behind it.

Not to mention, I didn't look so great.

My lip was busted, nose broken, a huge bruise spreading up the side of my face and darkening the scar that ran from my left brow down through my eye, turning it a milky white, and forking off at the corner of my mouth.

"You sick twisted son of a bitch!" Someone's voice managed to ring clearly in my ear before the shard of glass sank into my cheek and tore it open, blood flooding my mouth. I choked and coughed, then hissed as someone yanked at my hair again, bashing my head into the tiled floor. I was thrown onto my back, my vision blurring as blood ran from a gash on my forehead over my face.

I panted hard, blinking rapidly. I could feel deep hard metal music screaming through the door every time it opened nearby, feel the rough pulse of it vibrating the floor beneath me along with feet gathering around. I felt blow after blow split my cheek open, exposing the bone. The drug only numbed my ability to fight back, not to feel physically. I could feel every painful fist collide with my face, my stomach, my groin.

Hot pain flashed through my system and I struggled to find the rage that I had counted on to protect me my entire life, but I couldn't find it in me to give a shit.

I knew why they were doing this to me. Why was I fighting it when I deserved it?

That thought made me go limp on the floor as I felt someone grabbing at my legs, hoisting them up high until I swore they were going to break my legs off and beat me with those too. More blows rained down on me until I couldn't move anymore, and everything hurt.

I wasn't sure what happened after that until someone stuck their face in mine, smashing their lips against mine, biting my lip open and sinking their fangs into my tongue. They dragged their bloody mouth to my ear, and sneered,

"How do you like it, you pig?"

I don't. I didn't. Everything about it hurt and my body felt like it was going to rip in half. The only thing that made his assault on me slightly bearable was the blood that slicked him up enough to slide in easily. My muscles screamed in pain and my chest was tight as I gasped for breath past the gag that was soaked with my blood. Someone yanked the gag out of my mouth long enough to shove something filthy into my mouth, so I had no choice, but to breath through my nose.

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