Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

"Oh, why the hell do I have to do it? Besides, who died and made you king, huh? Last I checked, Styx was my fucking kingdom, so bow down before me bitches and get the hell off my property before I smite thee with my foot up your ass."

Now I was starting to wish I was back in the catacombs with the dead silence ringing in my ears instead of Theo's voice bouncing off the walls of his evil throne room of doom. The room was circular in with a large domed ceiling over our heads that was home to a gigantic black chandelier of diamond lights twinkling and bouncing off the black sleek marble floor, and a throne made of human bones to scare people shitless, not that it did such to me after my time in Atlantis.

Theo stood in front of his throne with his arms folded over his chest and his "fuck off and die" pose more straightforward than his snarky commentary. For all his vile childish attitude, Theo was admittedly incredibly beautiful in an exotic way. Rich blood red hair fell in waves around a dainty perfectly symmetrical face that was marred by the snarl on it, curling his pretty pink lips back and red eyes flashing menacingly. He was the shortest of Hades's sons, and somehow still the brat of the litter, with a body that was more slender and built for dancing as opposed to fighting and killing.

He wore a pair of tight jeans that accented the sharp V of his hips and a black silky top with a plunging neckline that parted to show a pristine pale torso.

Kristoff hardly looked amused by Theo's tirade, but remained silent through the whole thing as he stood there with arms folded over his chest. Once Theo stopped to take a breath, his pretty nose wrinkled in disgust, Kristoff took his chance to speak.

"I'm not asking you, Lord Theo. This is imperative. He holds military secrets that could help in the war against the Atlanteans, and by withholding them, I'm not sure what your father might do to you. Especially after last year's April Fool's prank." He tacked on. Theo actually blushed to the tips of his ears, but he didn't look ready to relent as he bared his fangs at him.

"Are you threatening me?" He demanded. Kristoff feigned disbelief, splaying his hand across his chest as if Theo's words wounded him.

"Me? Oh, no. I could never threaten my Lord Theo." He responded. Theo made a noise of supreme disgust and covered his face with his hands, like he was preparing to do a Dragon Ball Z battle scream, but the beginnings of his next tirade was cut off as the air rippled and sizzled with power and a column of gold smoke faded to reveal Theo's second-in-command, Sept.

Sept was a banished Egyptian god of war, son to Seth and Nephthys. His father had taken his powers away and sent him to suffer eternal damnation in Greece, which at the time loathed Egypt to the core, therefore making Sept's presence all the more difficult. It wasn't until Sept desecrated one of Hades's temples in Greece when Theo stumbled upon him and took him under his wing. Sept was not only Theo's second-in-command, though, but also his lover. Seth was the only thing that stood between Theo and really bad decisions, but he didn't always succeed since Theo was a trickster through and through.

With dark bronze skin laced with tribal tattoos going up and down his arms, and long black hair that he wore over his shoulder in a loose ponytail, and dark eyes ringed heavily with kohl, Sept was quite a sight at six two, wearing tight black leather pants and a black wife-beater tank top.

"What's going on?" Sept asked, his Egyptian accent thick. It was an accent that was now extinct in the mortal realm, but extremely popular in Duat. It was an accent that only the gods and and pharaohs held.

"These assclowns," Theo said, gesturing to Kristoff and I, who exchanged bored stares at Theo's nickname, "Are trying to talk me into sending them to Hell. What do I look like? An idiot? Hades told me they set up a huge barrier around Hell to keep the Atlanteans out. If I just toss them over there no problem, the Atlanteans might find a way in on their own. And as much as I'd love to piss Hades off, I'm not about to start a goddamn war over it." Sept frowned, then looked at me. Something flashed in his eyes and I wasn't sure if it was hatred or displeasure... or something in the middle. He just didn't look too pleased to see me as he studied me.

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