Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Lucifer's palace was just what you'd expect from an archangel.

Sleek and modern made entirely of white marble and steel with several wings, and stories, with a protruding lobby that looked like a large business lobby complete with a front desk that was currently unattended, the place was infinitely better than the old palace. The old palace was similiar in coloring, but in style, it appeared to crawl right out of a Victorian Era movie. However, that palace had sank into the Black Sea that it bordered after Hades had launched an attack on the Titans that had invaded the realm.

However, this place still smelled heavily of vanilla. It always smelled like vanilla and I wasn't sure why.

I walked down the long halls that were decorated with gold drapes, expensive and exquisite paintings, sleek end tables that housed some plants or statuary. It gave me a strange tingle up my spine, reminding me of the strange vision I'd had of Lea's temple. How strange that they were decorated similarily... or maybe it was my subconscience reconstruction Lucifer's palace combined with Lea in general?

I had no idea, but I wasn't here for her and I prayed to the gods above that she wasn't lurking in the hallways.

I took the stairs up to the second floor where most of the guest rooms were, including mine and Akin's whenever we decided to stay here for a week. I knew where Xenon's room was the moment I stepped into the hallway. I picked up on his Atlantean powers pulsing, drawing me down the hallway and pausing in front of the door. I wouldn't have bothered knocking if I wasn't afraid of walking in on an awkward situation.

The door opened shortly after my knock to reveal Xenon.

Like the other Atlantean Khalian, his eyes were an eerie shade of snow white, a black band separating his iris from his sclera. His long black hair with the red streaks blended in was currently pulled in a ponytail over his shoulder, and he wore his signature leather jacket that hung down to his ankles, matching the rest of his black ensemble. And on his left ring finger was the blood red moonstone ring that housed the most ancient of all demons, Xiphrus, one of the first three in existence.

"Hannibal?" He asked, baffled by my presence.

"You neglected to give me valuable information that involves, oh, I dunno. My life?" I demanded. Xenon stiffened.

"What happened?" He demanded. I started to answer, then paused as I looked past him to see Dorean sitting on the edge of the bed, slowly sliding off to frown at us. Dorean was a small imp, the first one in history who'd ever been freed from slavery. He was cute in a mousy sort of way, petite with snow white hair, fair skin, and silver eyes that reminded me a bit of Arikos, but Arikos seemed to have a mind of their own the way they swirled while Dorean's were more like coins that glinted in the light.

When I said nothing, Xenon sighed in frustration and moved away from the door to let me in as he went to Dorean.

"Hey, can I have the room to talk to Hannibal for a bit?" He asked gently. Dorean hesitated, like he was unsure if he trusted us alone. Dorean didn't hate me, that much I knew, and it was surprising, but he was right in not trusting me. Especially given how much I wanted to snap Xenon's neck for getting me involved in yet another one of his stupid messes.

Xenon leaned down to give him a reassuring kiss and smiled. Dorean bit his bottom lip for a moment, then nodded and gave Xenon a kiss on the cheek before heading out the door without a word to me. He shut the door and as soon as he did, I turned to face Xenon with a glare.

"Jesus," Xenon snorted, "With looks like that, we wouldn't need hydras."

"Ha," I said, faking a laugh, "Cut with the shit, Xenon. Why is Atlan after me?" The look on Xenon's face told me this didn't come as a surprise to him and that infuriated me. So he knew Atlan was going to send someone after me. I took a step toward him, and he took two back.

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