Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

"The Atlanteans haven't moved since Hannibal was returned to Hell. Something tells me they aren't just surrendering or sipping back mojitos."

We stood in Lucifer's war room with the rounded walls around us featuring computerized maps of Atlantis, Hades, and Hell, glowing on black backgrounds with red and green dots and slashes marking the maps. Hades stood at the center of the room, frowning as he scanned the maps with a sternness I recognized from spending several ridiculously long centuries under his thumb. Although, it was a stark contrast to his skull pajama pants and long sleeved shirt, his hair once again clipped back from his face.

Lucifer stuck close to him, dressed in his usual white leather attire, his arms folded over his chest and eyes narrowed in irritation that I was even in the room with them. Not that it was a picnic in the park for me either. Lucifer's hatred permeated through the room like a furnace, making me extremely uncomfortable, so I remained on the other side of the room with Akin, who was scanning the maps with a look of concern.

Lea, Xenon, Xiphrus, Dorean, Raven, Ambrosius, and several other generals and high ranking officials from the Hellion and Greek armies stood in the room. Ares had also returned, this time carrying in tow his two sons, Deimos and Phobos. A pair of twins with identical black hair, except Deimos looked more like he walked out of a scene party and Phobos was more classic, curly and unruly. Both of them were decked out like bikers, similar to their father.

"Maybe they realized what they were up against," One of the generals offered hopefully, "Atlantis may be strong, but against two different pantheons?"

"Don't get your hopes up," Lea replied grimly as she studied the maps on the walls with an intense curiosity, "You're forgetting that Atlan was around before you guys were even star dust in the Source. You may be powerful now, and against other pantheons, but Atlan has more experience... and he's willing to get down and dirty to win."

"She's right," Xenon agreed, folding his arms over his chest, "He went as far as to torture me to get information."

"And he'll go further," Lea said, approaching one of the maps to study the 3D designs of the island she once called home, "Atlan is not an opponent to underestimate. He's plotting. I can feel it." That gave me a sick feeling in the pit of my gut. Is that what that feeling was the other night? That deep sense of something evil lurking in the shadows?

As if sensing my thoughts, Lea turned to give me a concerned stare. I swallowed at that.

"Oh, please," Hades said with a bitterness that scorched the room, his glowing blue eyes narrowed on the maps of his realm, "Atlan may have the experience and he may be an original, but I've got brains and I've got the man power. If anything, we're evenly matched... but not for long." Lucifer nodded in agreement, scanning the images before turning to Xiphrus.

"We also have two of the original demons on our side as well. We should be able to at least have one leg up on him. He's going in blind." He said, but Hades made a noise of irritation.

"Yeah, except that three of my high ranking officials defected to his side last week... Fucking pricks. Remind me again why trusting people is a good idea? Oh, right. It's not," His words made the entire room uncomfortable and Hades rolled his eyes, "Don't take it personally. Half of you are damaged goods too. Besides, that's not the point. Right now, we need to come up with plans, and back-up plans, and back-up plans for the back-up plans."

"You're being paranoid," One of the generals chided, "We have 24/7 watch dogs on all of the borders, high-tech security cameras that you invented yourself, land mines, and probably a dozen other precautions. They won't launch an attack on us. If anything, they're waiting for us to make the first move." Hades glared at him.

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