Chapter 9: Finishing the Deal

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Warning: From here on out there will be slightly more mentions of sex. Nothing explicit but I do want to warn you. I also want to warn you about old people sex. Okay you've been warned. I'mma go throw up now.

"She wasn't at the meeting, she wasn't at dinner, she isn't here.... Where is she?" He can't help but worry about her. What if something happened? What if someone caught on? What if someone summoned for her? All these questions go through his mind as he paces around the perimeter. She still hadn't come to the training yard. Even if they had argued she still came here the first time things got heated, so why wasn't she here now?

He continues to pace when a rustle is heard. He goes for his sword when a woman's figure is seen. A smile spreads across his face as she reveals herself. Through the dim light, he can't tell but the mood around her is upsetting. Her face is low and pale, her hand clammy and wet. Her expression is grim as she changes. "Mulan..." Shang hears himself say. He takes a step forward only to get a glare from her. "I'm not in the mood," she warns and begins with their usual routine.

She works, and works, and doesn't seem to stop working. Even in the later hour of his shift, she's still going at it. Though she had retired all other modes of working out she was still trying to figure out how to climb up the pillar. She tries and tries and tries but it just doesn't seem to work. How do you climb something you have no grip on? It's just straight up and down. She stares at the pillar for a moment, then over to the supplies. She looks over each one carefully. He said this was the one task they couldn't complete... Though she had many of their needed items the one thing she didn't have are the weights he gave them.

"Two fifty pound weights tied around your hands." She ponders the idea. "It sounds as bad as having to wear a scarf all day." She chuckles at her comment, only but a little. The idea finally dawns on her.

She rushes over to her clothing and takes out the scarf. "My shift is almost over." His voice is low and quiet. "Mulan..." He stops himself from speaking when he sees the smile she's wearing. "What are you doing?" He raises a brow to her but she only just giggles. "I'm about to do what your troops can't." She ties her scarf around the pillar and tugs. Once she has a firm grip she begins to climb.

He steps back from her, his eyes wide and a proud smile on his face. "Somebody finally got it." He watches as she scales the pillar. Though the shift is almost through he continues to watch in awe. This was the first task that he had given the troops and the last task that he had given her. Everyday she had tried to brut force her way up the pillar. Today. She sat down, she watched, and she achieved. She sits on the edge of the banister smiling down at him. She laughs at his goofy lopsided smile. "What's so funny?" He raises a playful brow.

"You." She sits up for a few more minutes, till Shang warns her of the upcoming swap in shifts. She slides back down the pillar, a smirk lining her face and a smile lining his. She changes and they walk back in together, smiles on both their faces. "So was I the first?" She chuckles with and smiles. He nods. "Honestly... You're better than my men. On Yao's first try he bit the pole in an attempt to stay on. I think he still has splinters on his tongue." They laugh at the idea. "That must've had made for a great story for a medic." He nods his agreement. They remain silent as they approach the upcoming chambers. A pain grows inside of both of them.

"I'm sorry," Shang blurts out. She stops in her tracks from his words. "What?" He sighs and turns to face her. "While we were arguing I may have said some things I...really...really shouldn't have. And by doing that I hurt you, disgraced you, and dishonored you in front of your friends. So I'm sorry." Somehow he gets through that without a single stutter. His face blushes but he does not try to hide it. He looks her in the eye despite wanting to crawl unseen. With a breath, he says one more thing before she replies. "I hope you can forgive me. I meant good intentions but I still think what you did, or are still doing is dangerous." His voice is low and slow. She blinks several times to make sure it wasn't her mind playing tricks. "Okay," is all she says and retires into her room.

"So let me get this right. Your lover hasn't accepted your apology yet. But she hasn't said won't forgive you." Mang takes another sip from his glass. How he drinks so early in the morning, Shang does not know. The bustle and the rustle of the dining hall sounds as they eat their breakfast. "Yes. But she isn't my wife, she's a concubine." Mang raises a brow then shrugs it off. "Same Difference," he smirks from under the glass. "I am not betting ten.... Okay I'll bet ten." The little server hums and continues with his work. "The girls haven't even seen her this morning. She did this last night too. Where could she be?" Shang slides from his seat, not particularly hungry. "And where are you going?"

"Where do you think?" With a gruff huff, he takes his leave.

"You're here. Take a seat." He gestures to the chair across. She complies. "You asked me to come?" The emperor nods. "I'm old," he begins only to get interrupted by a laugh. "Like I said. I'm aging and right now you are my youngest concubine. I do not wish to have one of my daughters have to live their life on a pedestal, but I need an heir. If you remember our conversation last night I believe you know where I am going with this." A lump forms along with a tear. She nods. "I expected as such. Though you trust me you do not trust others. That is why you did not allow me to go to the conference?" He nods proving even further what she has feared. "I am ready, your highness. If producing an heir is what you intended with our deal then I am alright with it."

"Just eat for now. You'll need your strength for tonight. I'd like it to be done before the troops leave." She nods and complies with his wish. Lingering trouble rumbles in her stomach. "Your highness?" Before he's even able to take a bite she interrupts him. "With all due respect, I do not think I can give you a son. But if you think that someone else will get to me first would a guard not be sufficient?" For a moment he ponders. Then nods. "How do I not know that the guard will be disloyal? Between a pretty girl and a young man, anything can happen." She smiles at the comment. Then bows her head.

"Thank you for your concern and your graciousness but I had a particular guard in mind. He would not be allowed to disobey your or my orders." He raises a brow then smiles, his face settling. "Who might you have in mind?" She smiles at her on the spot plan coming together. "General Li Shang." "No," he immediately says. "Pardon?" She blinks in confusion, never has he said no to her directly. "I do consider General Li a great choice but I suspect he has something for you. You two appear to be close and while I understand he is indebted to you, you ask a lot about him." His face is stern along with his words. She needs a positive outlook on him. "With all due respect. We recently have been at... disagreement. I doubt that even if he does have feelings, which I doubt, he would touch me in any way. I have yet to accept his apology." He nods his understanding but says nothing. "If you are still worried about me asking so much about him it is simply my way of making sure my choice was correct. You trust me do you not?" And with that. She has him cornered.

"Very well. I trust in your judgment. If you say General Li will not try anything then I trust that he will not. Now eat before your food gets cold." Though his voice is stern his face is joyful. This is something Mulan enjoys about the emperor, though sex with him will not be.

Author: Okay.... so sorry. This is probably why nobody read this thing. O-O okay. But Mang and Shang talking XD I swear if Mushu wasn't a dragon/if Mushu was revealed sooner he and Shang would be chaotic friends! It just gives me "Kiss the girl" vibes from Ariel. That's Ariel, right? It been a minute.

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