Chapter 10: Silence Over the Palace

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"Is that why you didn't say anything?" He continues to push the question to her annoyance. "I said okay. Did I not?" Her gaze is stern, obviously still upset about the matter. "Either way I still need you for my plan. You have allies and you have troops, as well as experience. All is needed." He shakes his head but smiles. "Very well. I shall serve you well." He gives a mocked bow and she has to keep herself from nudging him.

They walk into the room together to the surprise of serval of the girls and the excitement of others. "Dang it," she hears Qi say. "Pay up," she hears Ai say. Several of the girls give Ai money. "Should I be concerned?" For a moment Shang wonders what he just got himself into. "This is usual. Though rude." She steps over to Ai and takes half of the earnings. "HEY! We agreed on a fourth of the winnings when it involves you." She points and Mulan shakes her head. "It also involves Shang. Who for now on will be training us." He blinks and stares at her. "I never agreed to that."

"You did when you insulted me and all other women." She turns her head towards him and he winces. "I said sorry... I really am. Though I remember a line that was harmful it's self." She stares at him for a moment before it clicks. This time she does the cringing. "I guess it's time for my apology. So I'm sorry. You aren't that stupid and neither are men. You actually had point when you said it was dangerous. But now we both win since you'll be here to train us." She gives him a smile, getting a sigh and a smile in return.

They begin their training, Shang demonstrating the moves, Mulan excelling in the moves, and then Mulan helping the girls who need it. She flows well in the environment and though there's a lot of giggling and chatting they aren't bad. Not as good as Mulan but not as bad as Shang's troops. He goes through what's usually their nightly training, of course, a few tweaks here and there but the girls aren't bad. They just aren't disciplined.
"I SAID STOP GIGGLING!" The demand only makes the girl giggle more. With a stern look, he shrinks down to her size to make eye contact. "When I give an order that means you follow it." She finally looks up, his breath in her face. Then she laughs again trying to hold herself back. A few of the younger girls begin to giggle. When stared at they sault him but still remain laughing. "I said," he begins to command again before Mulan starts to chuckle as well. He raises his brow at her and makes his way over. "And what are you finding funny?" She doesn't answer but rather just shakes her head. "The girls will not listen. Not to a man who is as casual as you. We have to be quiet, mouths closed, no sound all day. Let us have our fun." She leans back on her heels. The question is pondered and the situation is set down. "Let's move onto something more advanced."

"So the emperor." He initiates the conversation, opening it up. She shakes her head speechless. Why won't she just talk to him? Training had already ended and they were doing whatever she wanted to do. All they've been doing since it ended was aimlessly walking around. "Do you not have anywhere else to be?" She looks up then back down. "You should know you don't have to watch over me." Her words are cold and harsh. It makes no sense. She had forgiven him, hadn't she?

"I'm sor...." "Shush." She turns her head to him, a softer, worried expression on her face. Snapping her head back forward she motioned him to follow with her hand. She pushes open a door. Several people turn their heads then return to what they were doing. "We can speak now." Though she allowed it, her voice is still low. Glances and glares are passed as they walk. Even some whispers can be heard. He looks around the room, gazing. Everything just looks so quiet. "The maps." He hears her ask, trying to catch up to her. They're taken to a section of the shelf filled room. Several scrolls line the walls and she points to one of the ones up top. "That one." Shang waits for something to happen till finally, she nudges him. "Can you reach it?"

He nods. It's not that far from him. He reaches up and grabs it, bringing it back down he unravels it. "The palace?" He looks at her and she gives him a nod. "We still need a plan. To do that we'll need a copy of the palace. Just in case they somehow get in." "What is this place?" He looks to her with feelings of uncertainty. "The archives."

He simply just blinks. How had she gotten access to such a removed place? He had noticed that they were the only ones in the halls when coming in but he thought that was because of diner time. Diner time. The words line his thoughts. Night was soon to come. "The emperor isn't allowing me to join the conferences. I fear that this will continue even after tonight, at least until the troops have moved out. We'll have to get our information from Mang on what's going on." He scuffs. From his last conversation with him, Shang could already tell the man was a drunk idiot even if he had good advice.

"Guards are stationed, here." Sitting at a table he points to each position of his guards. Though he knows he'll beat himself if this map gets into the wrong hands he trusts her as much as the emperor trusted her with his own promotion. "I'll leave it with Ai. She's still a kid but because of that, nobody would expect something like this in her room." He nods, she had read his mind. He began to wonder how many other times she had done this. If she has this ability then could she read what he was thinking now? "The emperor..." The words had come out of his mouth before he could even think. She looks up from the map. He quickly shakes his head in retaliation to the thoughts. "Nevermind."

Throughout the rest of their little meeting, he had gone without speaking. If she did not wish to speak about it then he wouldn't mind her about it. Still, he sighs, waiting outside of her bedroom. The medic had come to check her though they both knew nothing had happened, ever. The only time she even spoke to people that day was when they were with the other women or when he asked about the fearful people. She really does have her way in this place.

"It looks as though you have good health. No pregnancy already. Surprisingly fit for a woman especially one of the court. I suppose you could blame your father." Mulan just smiles as the medic gives her his input though inside she is cursing. How dare he insult her father. "While you are thin it is possible for you to have a son. Though it is a low probability I say let the old man try. If his previous wife and consorts have not birthed him a son then let him try the opposite." He's talking about her size. She's always known that she was thin, even at the matchmaker's house she was told this. Even at the palace where she lives a life of luxury, she would never be as plump as the other woman. Though it's bothersome she has come to terms with it many years ago.

The medic finally leaves. "What did he say?" He walks, grim, his expression expressing the lingering worry. It's as if he's expecting her to already be pregnant. "Besides for most likely not being able to have a son. Surprising, I know," she rolls her eyes at his expression then continues, "I'm good to go for the emperor." Her last words, despite being sarcastic they have an overabundance of dreariness. Her voice has more tears than her eyes have ever shown, he steps over to hug her. She hakes her head.

"I'm fine," her voice tells the truth for her. She didn't want to do this.

Author: So body shaming Match Maker words still haunt her. Not sure what else to say but yeah. She's a butt. For a bit more of an explanation on why I had them limit their talking, the idea was that Mulan was worried they would get in trouble for it, she knows that the emperor is already in her tail for choosing Shang as a guard. Either way it does allow them more time. And yes, Mulan has a LOT of dirt on people. It's not like she would ever tell anyone what they did, but it's fun to use it as leverage. 😂 I feel like she probably used it at some point to get someone to play with her and Ai.

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