Still With You

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A/N's Note

Imagine Still With you has still not been released

Jungkook POV

It has been a 2 months and ever since we umm, you know, uhhh kind of hooked up, Lisa has been ignoring me. It's been making miss her more, right now all I ever want is her hugs, her sweet voice and just her.

Well, PD-nim decided that I'm gonna be making my Solo Debut with a mixtape, and it's gonna be entirely produced by ME and I decided that it was gonna be about her . . .

Lisa POV

It was really awkward between me and Jungkook after the whole thing happened and for some reason I started ignoring him. I just did not know my feelings for him, I love him but at the same time I'm ignoring him.

Some days passed and the ignoring was still going on. I decided that I should talk to him, ao I checked his location in Snapchat and found he was in the Big Hit Building.

I went there and I knew he would be in his studio. I opened his studio door and he was not there. I thought maybe he went to the Big Hit Cafe to get coffee or something. So I just looked around his studio waiting for him and found this track he was working on. I really didn't want to spoil it so I just left it there and looked around more and found this Album package that had Still With You written on it. It just clicked HE WAS MAKING HIS SOLO DEBUT !! kngdjsgnfjn

I was soooo happy for him at that moment. I took a look at it and found something written in a very very timy font at the bottom left corner of the back of the package, I took a look at it and it was written . . .

" This is for you, Love you . . .

     From : 🐰    --------  To : 🥕 "

Tears started forming in my eyes. I rushed to his computer and played the track.

I listened to the song and started sobbing, he missed me, but me.

I left him without even thinking about him. I hate myself.

I ran out of his studio still crying. I ran down the hallway and bumped into Taehyung and Jimin Oppa.

TH : O-oh I'm sorry Lis- W-wait why are you crying ?

JM : Are you ok ?

LS : I-I'm fine * I start sobbing and ran outside the building * 


I got my coffee and came back to my studio only to find things odd the Album Package was switched to a different place than where I kept it last time and the track I was working on for my Solo also called Still with you was played once. I furrowed my eyebrows and went to ask my hyungs who were also in the building if they had come in my studio.

I went out and saw V hyung and Jiminie hyung talking with Lisa and then all of the sudden she ran. I went up to them.

JK : Hyung what happened ?


JM : I should be asking that to you 

JK : Huh ?

TH : She just ran from your studio while crying and bumped into us and when we asked is everything ok ? she said yes but then started crying and ran. Did y'all fight or something ?

JK : W-wait ? S-she came out from MY studio ?

JM : Yeah

JK : I- I- I have to-

I get a call from Lisa

JK : Wait Lisa is calling me, See you later hyungs.

( Picks up call )

JK : L-lisa ?

LS : J-Jungkook I'm sorry. I'm such a terrible person you loved me all along and I-

JK : ( By now I was in tears ) Shh I should be the one who is sorry, You didi verything for me and I took you for granted. I'm sorry I was not grate f-ful enough.

LS : I love you Jungkook, I always have and I still do . . .

JK : Me too, Let's start evrything from the first ? but this time slowly and steadily ?

LS : I'd like that

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