baby suna is sick

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i was sleeping i felt really hot and comfortable, i started to open my eyes and saw someone else's eyes upside down from mine. i panicked and sprung up hitting their face.

"ow what the fuck suna rintarou" a familiar voice told me in pain.

i rubbed my forehead and looked at the person, i see y/n rubbing her face as well, she looked at me and looked at me with an annoyed face, i looked at her and she was cute, when ever she was annoyed or frustrated or not in a good mood she would always scrunch her nose and eyebrows and pout, it was cute.

"sorry y/n you scared me" i told her rubbing my head

"it's fine, take your medicine and lay down, i'll be back in a bit i was just checking on you" she said getting up and leaving.

i looked down at the medicine and took it, i laid back down and saw i wasn't in my practice clothes, i was in my sleep clothes.

'i wonder who changed me?' i thought.


i left suna in the team room and was annoyed.

"asshole, he didn't need to react like that" i said rubbing my head.

i went to the bathroom to wash my face before i could go back to the team room.

as i got back i saw suna laying down hugging a pillow with his eyes closed.

'cute' i thought.

i sat next to to the bucket of water in the corner and grabbed a small towel and soaked it in the water, i squeezed the water out and folded it. i walked over to suna and placed it on his head, i sat next to him and admired his features and how he was trying to sleep. i played with his hair a little bit helping him relax and not get so tensed up.

as i begun to get up, i get pulled back down by suna. he looked at me with cute baby eyes and looked at me.

"y/n can we cuddle? i promise i won't get you sick" he said sniffling. his nose was red, his ears were red and part of his face was.

"later suna, i have to manage the team, i'll be back don't worry though we can cuddle later" i told him before getting out of his grip and leaving.

he just watched you leave and he dropped back down and sighed before going back to sleep hugging his pillow.

as the day went by, you were managing the team and writing notes down, mean while in the game you would tell them how to straighten up and help them work on what they need to do better.

the day ended and you went to the bathroom, you took a shower and got changed into some sweats and a over sized shirt.

you left the bathrooms and out your stuff away, you went to the dining hall and ate some food, there was none left for suna so you made him some soba.

you carried it back to your teams room and placed it next to you, you sat infront of suna and gently work him up. his eyes opened and looked at you, sniffling and with his eyes puffy.

"awe suna were you crying?" you asked him

"don't tease me, yes i was you meanie" he said and turned away.

"well to make it up to you, i made soba for you" you said rubbing his back.

he turned and face you.

"r-really?" he said half sleepily.

"yea baby, come on and eat" you told him.

he sat up and fixed himself a little bit, his bed head was cute and adorable, and the way he looked was cute as well.

"y/n my body hurts" he whined like a baby.

"i'm sorry suna, what can i do"

"can you feed me" he whined in pain.

you nodded and place the soba in between our and suna, you took the chopsticks and grabbed some soba noodles and looked at suna, he opened his mouth and lean towards you, you placed the soup spoon under the noodles and put part of the chopsticks in his mouth feeding him, you kept feeding him till he was full, you grabbed some wipes from your bag and cleaned sunas face gently caressing his cheeks and chin, you took another wipe and cleaned the areas where some of the soup dripped.

you put everything away and cleaned up and went back to your team room, when you went back in the twins were teasing suna and kita and akagi were setting up a projector to watch a movie, everyone wake were grabbing their stuff to change.

i entered the room and the continued to do what they did, i put my stuff in my bag and sat with kita.

"kita do you need help with anything?" i asked

" uh if you want you can move the futons to the other  side of the room for all of us to lay on" he said pointing at the opposite side of the room.

you got up and sighed, you went over to the twins to see what they were teasing suna about.

"hey guys what you guys doing" i asked.

"look y/n a pic of you and suna, you feeding him soba" atsumu said showing me the picture.

"send me that, i kinda look cute in that picture and i really like it" i said ruining the teasing vibe

the twins deadpanned and left you and suna alone. you put your hand on sunas forehead to see if he's still burning up.

"how do you feel suna?" i asked ina soothing gentle voice

"i'm feeling better but not all the way, the rest and medicine made me feel better, my body isn't aching so much anymore" he said hugging his pillow still wrapped in a blanket

"well while we watch a movie do you maybe wanna cuddle as i promised?"

"yea" he said nodding his head in a quiet voice.

his ears were still red as well as is nose and cheeks. he was still sniffling and hugging the pillow. he looked adorable.

i sat against the wall kind of laying on the futon and place 2 pillows to support my head up to see the projector screen. i patted the spot next to me since suna looked at me and watched my movements. he crawled over next to me and put the pillow he was hugging under him, i opened my arms and he laid in between my legs and with his arms hugging my waist, i wrapped mine around him as well, he laid his head on my chest and closed his eyes. i rubbed his back with one of hands gently caressing his back and with the other i played with hair while he tried to sleep. he nuzzled his head in between your boobs and fell asleep.

"jesus suna" you said laughing a little bit.

you felt him smile and you laughed a little more.

soon everyone sat down and played the movie, everyone but suna watched the movie, you would get distracted by suna during the movie, every now and then you would kiss the top of his head or look at him and not the movie. part way through the movie suna moved up more and nuzzled his head into your neck and went to sleep again.

half way through the movie you fell asleep just looking at suna and went to sleep hugging him. you turned to your side and went to sleep with suna in your arms.


end of this chapter 😩 i hope you liked this chapter! if you want more suna fanfics i have more on my profile! if you want even more in the future go and follow me!



have a great day!

- author-chan



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