8. Everything has changed

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Briar had a terrible night. He couldn't sleep.

He sat on his bed, hugging his knees and flinching at every sound. The putrid smell of death was stuck in his nostrils. Creaks from the abandoned house rang in his ears. Shadows moved in the corner of his eyes, seemingly swiping the floor like draping cloth before disappearing.

Dark circles accumulated under his eyes and his consciousness balanced on thin rope.

That morning he had to walk to school alone. Seth was sick and staying home. He wasn't very responsive to Briar's texts, so he assumed that his best friend must be very ill. He told Seth to rest well before getting ready for school. That turned out to be more hectic than usual as he kept hearing his mother call him to help her out in the kitchen. However, whenever he went to the kitchen, he couldn't find his mother. After it happened three times, Briar was so terribly confused that he stood frozen at the doorway for several minutes, losing precious time that he needed to get ready for school. It was apparent that he won't be early for class, but if he skipped breakfast and hurried to the train station, he wouldn't be late either.

With his bookbag over his shoulder, Briar stepped outside into the humid street and began running. He slowed down when he saw the underground entrance. His fingers tightly clung around the safety railing and he stared down at the underground. After what felt like an entire minute, he slowly took one step downwards. His breath hitched.

Another step. His heart began beating as if he were running.

A third step. He paused and grabbed the railing with both of his hands.

Briar couldn't do it. He returned to the top and called his mother to tell her that he missed the train. He was lying of course, but there was no force strong enough to make him go to the subway alone.

His mother was irritated to say the least. Yet, she still drove him to school.

By the time he changed his shoes at the lockers and by the time he reached the second floor, the bell rung. He rushed to his seat and avoided eye contact with his classmates. He didn't feel comfortable without Seth. Soyoung's desk radiated coldness. It drew Briar in easily and he spent the entire day staring at her empty seat.

When it was finally time for lunch, Briar excitedly ran to the cafeteria. His stomach rumbled and nausea slowly began messing with his body. Steam emerged from the kitchen. Sweet and salty smells of various meals made his mouth fill with water. When he got his food, he didn't waste time and went to their usual table. He was the first one to arrive, so he began eating in solitude.

He felt weird sitting alone. Seth was usually always with him. Not having him by his side made him feel uneasy. He felt as if everybody was looking at him. Chatter around him began sounding like rumors being whispers. Briar nervously played with his food as he observed his surroundings in hope of catching something that can confirm his unnerving suspicion. However, he didn't see anybody looking his way. Nor did he see anybody whispering.

It didn't take long before a tray with food was placed by his plate, followed by a gentle and soft-spoken greeting. "Good morning, Bee."

"Morning," Briar said, already becoming red in the face just by seeing Casey sit down next to him.

The inner portion of Casey's eyebrows raised as he observed the younger. His lips pursed into a pout which Briar adored. "Did you sleep?"

Briar was surprised by the question. He didn't want to lie to Casey, so he shook his head. The elder looked unhappy to hear confirmation.

"You didn't?"

"I couldn't," Briar tried to explain.

"Please try to sleep as soon as you get home," Casey mumbled through a pout. "I don't like seeing you like this."

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