14. What is Reality?

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Briar was terrified. The entire car ride was unusual. He and his friends would usually be very loud. They would crack jokes, scream, tease each other, sing... but they didn't say a word to each other now. For the entirety of 15 minutes, nobody let out a sound. The car radio was unusually quiet as well. Terry didn't even play a song. They just let a random radio station play. Such things never happened.

Terry parked the car in front of Seth's modest home. A contemporary house with old wallpapers and colorful curtains shielding the windows. A house Briar associated with a plethora of good memories. A place he visited often. His second home. Though, standing in front of it now, he felt no comfort. The place looked strange. Cold. It never looked like that to him.

He was the last one to exit the car. He slowly trailed behind his friends as they walked to the front door. Briar watched Casey walk in front of him, feeling unexplainable heartache. He vividly remembered crying in his arms, yet he knew it didn't happen. It made his head hurt. It made his heart ache. Though, that wasn't the only reason behind the pain in his chest.

Briar knew he has to apologize to Casey. He wished he could explain why he left school without waiting for him, but he couldn't do that. He could merely tell Casey he is sorry and hope to be forgiven. So, he gently placed his hand on Casey's bicep, getting the elder to look at him with squished eyebrows. He had concern written all over his face.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" Briar quietly asked.

Casey nodded, though hesitantly. The other's heard them and decided to leave them to talk outside. As the door closed, Briar bit on his lower lip and looked at his taller friend with big, regretful eyes. "I just... I wanted to say sorry."

Casey tilted his head. "For what?"

"For not waiting for you after school," Briar said. "I don't know why I left. I know we were supposed to meet up at the school gate but..."

Briar stopped talking. Casey looked confused by his words. It threw the younger completely off guard. The elder looked at him with furrowed brows as he tried to decode Briar's words. But in the end, he had to ask for an elaboration. "What are you talking about?"

Briar was speechless. He couldn't feel his heartbeat at that moment. He held his breath, hesitating to answer. "Our date?"

Casey's expression quickly changed. His eyebrows raised and his mouth fell open ajar. "What? What date?"

Briar's heart stopped. His eyes widened. Upon seeing utter confusion in Casey's, he realized that the other had no idea what he was talking about. "The... the one you arranged?"

Casey looked surprised and even more confused. His expression was overwhelming Briar. It told him everything: Casey had no idea what he was talking about. Their date didn't exist.

"Never mind."

Briar quickly grabbed the doorknob and rushed inside, wanting to escape. Casey, however, reached for his arm and ushered him to wait. "Hey. Hey. Wait."

Briar stood in the doorframe, now watched by all his friends. He met eyes with Seth. One exchange of glances and Seth immediately looked concerned. "Briar... Are you okay?"

He couldn't answer. What was he supposed to say? Nothing made sense.

Everybody looked concerned. Everybody was looking at him as if he we will break any moment.

Briar didn't say anything. He didn't move. He was doll-like; with distant eyes, forever-lost expression and pale skin. Casey's grip on his arm loosened. The elder instead gently pushed him inside and closed the door behind them, as the other boys slowly approached their lost-looking friend. Kai took Briar's hands and gave him a smile. A very fake one. A kind of smile a friend gives you when they are trying to cheer you up with lies. "Come sit down..."

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