Chapter 1 ♡Attention♡

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Awase's POV

          I was walking with my friend Kosei while we were walking to the cafeteria. We talked about some different and random things during our walk. Then, my focus on our conversation faded as a certain black high-ponytailed girl was walking with her otger friends towards the direction we came from. It was Momo Yaoyorozu, one of the best students here at U.A.

Oh no not again.

          My heart started to beat so quick that I don't even think it's a natural human speed. My stomach started to feel butterflies and all I can think if is how beautiful and amazing she is. My face started to heat up a lot the more we get closer to each other. In my view, it's as if she's walking in slow motion; every feature of her was just as perfect as she truly is, looks and personality.

"Hello Awase!!"

I snapped out of my trance and noticed that Momo was waving at me.

I blushed again, "O-Oh h-hello Yaoyorozu."

Geez did I really had to stutter?

She then let out a sweet smile at me and I smiled back shyly.

Yaoyorozu and her friends walked past by us and I let out a sigh of relief.

"So....what was that about?~" Kosei smirked.

"W-Wha-- Oh t-that was just Y-Yaoyorozu a-and I...g-greeting e-each other..??" I tried to cover up the truth but I think I made myself more obvious than I realized.


"I'm serious, Kosei. There's nothing going on between Yaoyorozu and I, we're just acquaintances." I said.

"Still, it seems like you're kinda into her though. Do you like her?~" Kosei wiggled his eyebrows, teasing his friend.

I face palmed in frustration, "Of course not. I don't think of her like that."

"Pfft, yeah right."

"Let's just head back to class." I rolled my eyes as I walked in a quicker pace than my friend.

I can really hear his snickering from my distance but it didn't matter. Besides, even if I do like Yaoyorozu, it's not like she feels the same.

Time skip: Lunch time!!

I guess it's time to follow once again my daily schedule.

          I'm not sure if you guys know but it's quite a habit of me to lean against a wall while waiting for Momo. It seems a bit stalkerish but this is honestly the best I can come up with since I basically don't have a chance to really be friends with her. She's way out of league.

          I told my friends that I would be with them in a while. Once they all left, I leaned my back against the wall and just placed my hands in my pockets. And obviously look down at the floor so I won't make that much eye contact with anyone.

          Even if I use this time to wait for Momo, I usually use this time to just clear my thoughts and sometimes just to calm down a bit. I also can imagine a lot of random things if I want to.

          I've been doing this for almost a year and I'm kinda worried that others would find me suspicious which I am...clearly am but not really.

I then felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see a pair of beautiful onyx eyes.

"Hi Awase!!" She smiled sweetly.

This girl has no idea what she has done to me.

"H-Hello..Y-Yaoyorzu." I stuttered.

I swear I will not hesitate to kill my own self if it means not embarrassing myself this much.

"It's lunch time, shouldn't you be downstairs." She asked.

"Oh see..I usually just um...take this time to uhh...clear my thoughts...It umm..helps me keep relaxed." I nervously chuckled.

Thank goodness I didn't stutter.

"Oh, is that why you always stay here in the halls before taking lunch?" Momo questioned.


"Momo, let's go!! We better hurry if we don't wanna loose a table!!"

Both our head turned to the direction on where that voice cane from. A friend of Yaoyorozu was calling her. I think her name is Mina.

"I'm coming!!" Momo answered.

She turned back at me, "Well I hope to see you more often, Awase."

I raised a brow, "Hm? Why?"

"We never talk to each other that much. I haven't even thanked you for saving me from the Nomu back at the Summer Camp." She explained.

I blushed, "O-Oh uhh y-you d-don't have to honestly. B-Besides, you've thanked me q-quite enough when I visited you at the hospital honestly."

"I just wish I could've give you something a bit more." She hung her head down.

"Honestly, you being alive is enough for me to smile." I said.

She looked at me and I swore I just saw her blushing a bit, or that's probably just my imagination.

Momo smiled, "Well I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for your selfless deed. Thank you again, Awase."

"Your welcome, Yaoyorozu." I smiled back.

I then felt my arm getting yanked. I looked to my side and saw Rin.

"Come on dude, we gotta go. Hi Yaoyorozu, was I disturbing you both?" Rin shyly chuckled because he actually disturbed our conversation. Thanks a lot.

"Not really, my friends and I need to head down too. See you Awase!!" Momo waved at me as she wapked to her group.

Once they were quite far away, I let out a dreamy sigh as I smiled at the moment we just had.

Rin noticed this and smirked, "I think you've gained quite enough attention from your girl."

I glared at him, "Oh shut up."

He laughed and we soon both head down to the cafeteria and had our lunch together.

          I couldn't help but just replay the moment Yaoyorozu and I just had. Every single second of it was so cherishable; her beautiful face, the way how her sweet, polite voice came from her soft lips was just enough to make my heart leap out anytime soon.

It's too bad she doesn't feel the same way as I do.


Hey everyone!!! It feels good to be back on wattpad with another story!! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter of Awase x Momo book.

I hope you will enjoy the rest of the other chpaters in the future!! See ya!

Crush : AwaMomo(Awase x Momo) Fanfiction {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now