2. Homework

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"Jesus kid, you gotta stop staying up so late, what do you do all night anyway?" He stands up, so I stop bowing, I keep trying to look in his eyes but I just can't I need to look away, so I end up awkwardly looking at him then at the wall behind him, over and over again.

"I don't know, whenever I check the time it's always late, I try to do my homework! I swear! I just can't! But I'll do it this time!"

"I swear you just play video games at night, I will give you another chance, if your homework isn't handed in on time this time, then there will be consequences. Understand?"

I'll be fine, I can do the work that's due tomorrow at lunch today!

"Understood, thankyou!" I bow again and hurry out of the classroom in search of my friends.


Time: 3:30

Ok! so... I didn't do my work at lunch, the cafeteria was too loud! It's impossible to focus in there!

But it's ok, I can do it now. I'll just put on some music then get right to work.

What song should I put on? New year's eve is pretty good! Yeah! It's nice and calming, perfect for working! ok, what do I have?

I've done my English, That one's easy, I always do it first, It's so much better than any other subject, Oh! my favourite part of the song! Man how do people write songs? Like do they just wake up one day and are like, 'yes, song writing time!' and then they match all the instruments! It's honestly so impressive! not to mention how much emotion they can convey in nearly 3 minutes, I want to write a song! But I can't really sing... Or play any instruments, But I would kill to be a singer, everybody loves them! I'm sure even Bakugou likes music!

Man, Bakugou is actually terrifying, I will never understand how Kirishima hangs out with him so much. Actually now that I mention it, Kirishima can put up with nearly everybody! He even puts up with my shit for days on end. I feel bad for him, he's two best friends are me and Bakugou, that can't be fun.

Like putting up with me is enough already, but Bakugou as well? And he's always so happy!

Why can't I be like that? I mean, I fake it but I want to genuinely be as happy and carefree as I act around others, if only they knew. They all think I'm an idiot, I mean, it's true but they don't need to say it straight to my face. Though I guess I deserve it, I deserve to feel like shit, maybe I should just let myself fail, I mean what kind of hero can't even do their homework?





time, fuck, it's already 4:30

That's ok, just write.

What homework do I have? 

Math, science and Japanese. 

Ok, I'll start with math. And I'll just use a calculator, It's too late to do it properly.

I've got to ask Momo to help me get better at maths tomorrow. 


3rd person POV:

Time: 11:00

"Hey Denki! You wanna sneak out with us?" Kirishima sticks his head into Denkis room, scanning the messy room for the yellow-haired boy

His eyes land on a very defeated-looking boy with his head on his desk, multiple books and what Kirishima assumes are notes are sprawled across his desk, along with many chip packets on the ground as well as his desk.

"Bro you ok there?" He quietly asks while closing the door behind him and walking up to the poor boy, not sure if Denki is asleep or just not bothered to move

"Aughhhh, why is this so haaaaaaard?! How do you guys do it?" exclaims Denki while dramatically raising his head off his desk, trying to stop the items that are falling off his desk

"Do what? Your homework?-"

A grumble from Denki tells Kirishima that he was right

"-Just get rid of any distractions and sit down and do it man."

"I tried that! It doesn't change anything! I can't just sit down and do my work like everybody else can!"

"Don't play as many computer games as you do. That's bound to help you."

"I haven't even touched a game for like a week now! I'm trying so hard but nothing is working! Whatever I do I just can't focus! Maybe I should have never tried to become a hero."

The emotion dripped out of Denki's voice, Kirishima left in shock after hearing those words, Denki, the go-lucky energetic, hero-like, never giving up, 'no matter what you do you can't stop me' kid, thinks he shouldn't be a hero?! Never in a billion years did Kiri think somebody from 1-a would say that, especially not Denki!

"Denki, I-"

"Sorry bout that! What were you saying earlier about sneaking out?"

What is happening to Denki? One minutes he's all, 'I'm not qualified to be a hero' then next he's back to his peppy self! The grin on his face, Kiri's seen it a million times, it looks so real. That did just happen right? he's not imagining it?

"We were just going to go to Maccas seeing as it's always open, but I'm more worried about you man..."

"Oh don't worry about me! I was just being dramatic, like I always am. And hell yeah I wanna go to maccas with you guys! Lemme get my 'sneaking out to Mcdonalds at 11 and mix all the drinks together then cry silently' outfit!"

"Denki you sure are... Something..."

"Ha! I know!" 


954 words

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