4. Tutoring?

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Denki POV:

Time: 8:20

"Denki you're not going to fall asleep again right?" 

Aizawa asks, I think he was trying to make a joke... That's weird

"No sir, sorry about yesterday."

He sighs and nods, opening the classroom doors and the students start to filter in, taking their respectful seats

I feel like I'm forgetting something...

Think idiot think! What did I need to do? What have I forgotten?

"Ok class get out your homework I'll check it now."


That's what I forgot.


Shit Shit Shit Shit Oh fucking hell I'm going to get in so much trouble! He's going to kick me out! I should just leave now! Why am I even here in the first place, it's not like I deserve to be a hero-

"Denki, homework."

"Uhhh, funny storyyy"

"Yeah, yeah. See me after class"

A few 'oooo's arose from the students, Iida yelled at them about being respectful or something, I'm not really sure, it's not like it matters anyway, I probably wont be here soon, He's going to kick me out after class, I know he will. He hates me anyway, I hate me too.

The class drags on forever, I try to take notes but at this point I don't even know what the teachers talking about

"So instead of trying to help them yourself, you should get a pro-hero, understand?"

instead of trying to them yourself you should get...

shit get a what?

Oh, a pro-hero, I think. 

Oh well, that's what I'm going to write down.

Shit we've moved on, shit ok check the time

a few minutes left, well better enjoy it while it lasts,

Why is he still talking, I want to pack up.

It's the last few minutes of class, they don't really matter right?

Just pretend you're writing so you don't get in trouble.

I really should have tried harder when I had the chance to, it's too late now right?

The bell rings and the class leaves, I think they have physical training now, man that's even one of the classes I don't hate! You don't have to write anything down, you just do stuff.

"Denki Kaminari, what's up with you? Why can't you just do the most simple homework, you do understand that the work I give you is easier than what I give everybody else right, you should be able to do it."

Wait it's what? But it's so hard, theres no way that's the 'easy' work, I knew I was dumb but that dumb?...

"I'm sorry Sir, just please don't kick me out! I'm trying my hardest!"

I bow in front of him, he doesn't say anything

should I stand back up now? 

What does he want me to do?

"You're really trying? Is there something else going on..."

He mumbles the last part to himself but I manage to hear it, theres nothing else going on, I'm just stupid.

"I'll do anything to stay in! Please sir I need to become a hero!" I raise my head back up

"hm, ok I would like you to join the school tutoring club, it's on every day after school, please try it out for at least a few days."

A tutor?

I don't need a tutor, those are for like SUPER dumb people...

I mean, it's not really like I have a choice....

Maybe, just maybe it'll help.

I'm never going to tell a soul I'm doing that though, whatever is left of my reputation will be absolutely destroyed.

"Thank you so much Mr Aizawa!"

I hurry to my next class, hoping to not be too late.

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