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ellie potter

I have my first quidditch game today, well only because Blaise isn't here. So I'm seeker for now. I used to be on the quidditch team, I was amazing at quidditch, just like my father. But once I got older. I didn't feel like playing anymore.

I put on my quidditch uniform and headed outside. It was sort of rainy and cloudy, but nobody seemed to care enough to cancel the game though.

I saw flint, pucey, Bletchley, and Higgs. I Doubt they were excited that a slytherin girl was joining the team for a little bit. Most of the slytherins are sexist.

Which is also another reason why I stopped playing quidditch, I just felt judged.

Pansy Parkinson

I made my way into dracos dorm, a love potion from weasley wizard wheezes in my hand. I stole the potion from the griffindor common room. People — always leave these laying around.

There was a small cup of water on his desk that I left there last night, after he passed out drunk. I slowly opened the love potion, pouring it slowly inside his cup of water. I made sure I got every single little bit of the love potion out of the small heart shaped container It was in.

I put my hand on dracos shoulder. Shaking him, so he could drink his water. I made sure the room was dim, so he couldn't see the water very much.

"Good morning draco, there's a quidditch game today. We should get there early." I smiled and grabbed the water cup. "Oh." Draco mumbled.

"Have some water, you're probably still hungover from last night." I handed him the water cup, eager for him to drink it. Without replying, draco took the cup. And he drank, the whole thing.

ellie potter

Many people were up on the stands, me and everybody else were in the locker room. We were practicing for hours on end. It was now storming, the wind was terrible. But still, nobody cared.

I also saw cameron in the stands, he was sitting next to crabbe and goyle. To Cameron's right, I saw pansy and draco sitting next to each other. Pansy was literally all over him. I shot pansy a dirty look, hoping she would see me.

And in the griffindor stands, I saw Hermione, Luna, Neville, Lavender, Dean, and Seamus.

I have no idea why luna was there, she's in ravenclaw. But I feel like she's all the houses besides slytherin. She's kind, lighthearted. But also brave, and loyal, smart, wise. I've never seen her being rude to somebody, it's always the other way around. She's gorgeous so I don't understand why people would bully her.

I blocked out all sound as I was looking back at the slytherin stands. Draco, he looks so happy with pansy. I wish I could explain how being in love feels. There's not a better feeling in the world than looking at the person you fell for. But then you realize that, their heart lies with somebody else.

My eyes glanced back at Cameron, he was smiling but goyle and crabbe weren't next to him anymore. His soft smile is so very contagious. I don't look at my other friends the way I look at him.

"Ellie, the game starts in five minutes." Flint spoke, putting his hand on my shoulder. I nodded and stepped back into the locker room. I grabbed my firebolt as everybody else grabbed their own brooms and headed to the fields.

Screams full of excitement filled the all the stands, causing me to blush, feeling embarrassed from everybody looking at me. As everybody got onto their brooms, madam hooch was now in the middle of all of us. Harry was also in front of me.

Cameron riddle

Madam hooch blew her whistle and everybody kicked off their brooms, and flew off. Draco and pansy were having a make out session while everybody else was too busy watching the game. What the actual fuck.

Pansy looked obsessed. I felt slightly bad for ellie, I know she still loves draco. But i love her. I've never been in love with somebody, but I think whatever I'm feeling towards ellie, Is love.

I turned my attention back to ellie, she was going so fast I couldn't even focus on her. I gave up trying to focus on her and began thinking about ellie again. She's gorgeous, I mean- draco lost her. He just threw her away like she was nothing. I'm so sorry ellie. Even though I haven't done anything. Have I done anything?


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