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ellie potter

I sat in my room, chugging fire whiskey bottles. It was probably around 12am by now. I doubt anybody was awake. Well maybe, draco and pansy. Pansy completely moved out of our dorm. She left me and blaise for draco. After she promised she would never do this. It feels like all my nightmares have become reality. Me and my brother not best friends anymore. Me and hermione breaking up. Me and draco breaking up. Pansy and me leaving each other.

And Voldemort coming back.

Me becoming a death eater.

I still felt disgusted that I had this mark onto me. I hated it, so much. I hated everything about my life in this moment.

I quickly decided that I should read until I fall asleep, in the common room. Because that's my favorite place to stay. My room is too dark, sad, boring.

I quickly got up and grabbed a few books from my bag, the bag I bring to my classes, and walked out of my dorm and towards the common room. I heard a few voices, sometimes they sounded- Like draco and blaises voice.

Why would they be hanging out, i thought they hated each other, right? I began to hear Cameron's voice as well- what is happening?

I heard them mention pansy a few times. But I have no idea why they would be talking about pansy. That's dracos girlfriend, Cameron is my boyfriend, he asked me out after we- well fucked. And blaise is my best friend. Just why?

I kept walking to the common room, their voices became more clearer and I began to understand what they were saying. They were talking about pansy and a love potion, and me.

"Hello?" I questioned, speaking loudly so they could hear me. I was still sort of drunk. But not that drunk. I'm not going to pass out in front of them, type of drunk.

All three of them turned their heads. "Ellie?" Dracos face softened. I looked at Cameron, his face looked upset, annoyed. Blaise just looked confused. "We need to talk, just not here. Please." Draco pleaded, getting up. I looked over at Cameron, he nodded, then I looked at draco. He got up but didn't stop looking at me. I nodded and waited for him to come over to me. I was still so confused as to why this was happening, or what was happening, or why draco wants me to talk to him.

Overflowed is exactly how I'm feeling right now.

All the ideas in my head, each one is so complex. A single conception lost in a uncontrollable mess of overwhelming thoughts.

He was leading me to his dorm. Whenever I tried to speak to him, and ask what's happening, no words came out. And I didn't know why. I wondered if it was because I'm in so much shock. Or if I'm just so hurt, and numb that I just cannot comprehend any of this anymore.

"Draco," whispered softly, words finally coming out of my mouth. "What's happening?" I added.

"I'll tell you that whenever we get to my dorm." Draco sighed, his eyes were on the floor, while we were walking up to his dorm.

Cameron riddle

Pansy put a love potion on draco. After ellie finds out, she will be running back to draco. Because, I know. She truly loved him. Not me.

I hope she had known how much i miss you. But also how I was. With you I loved everything. With you my life didn't seem like a endless black tunnel full of terrifying creatures waiting to kill me, slowing but surely.

Where did I go wrong? Was this all a mistake?
I thought whatever me and Ellie had, was true love. Not something fake. It was like a movie relationship. It was a relationship but at the end of the day it's fake.

We're dating but she loves somebody else. I know that. She knows that. But I love her too much to just let her go.

"All good things must come to an end."

A saying I was never told. Everything already had ended the minute I was born. Yet many people figure out why their good thing had ended as they lay on their stone deathbed. But as you sit with him, as you make it seem like you love him again after everything he has done to you. It makes me wonder if you were truly a good thing.

I never met anybody quite like her. She came into my life like a whirlwind. Her wavy brown hair, her soft eyes, she is beautiful. It's always her. That endless smile gave me life with every breath I took. I fell for her.

If I wasn't her soulmate, why am i so desperately in love with her?

Ellie potter

"So pansy put a love potion on you? Why did you let her? " I was still confused as to why pansy did this. "I didnt want pansy to give me a fucking love potion immediately after we got into a healthy relationship. Honestly ellie, use your fucking brain." Draco snapped.

I stood there, tears on my eyelashes making the world look fuzzy. I wondered how many more fights, tears, slamming doors, to be in love. Because this didn't feel like it. It didn't feel magical anymore. It didn't feel special anymore. It felt like— i don't even know. I cant explain how I feel anymore.

It feels terrible.

That's the only word that would fit this feeling.


It's always been terrible.

It started at a young age. Laughs, Being called things I didn't even know were words, mostly slurs. Pulling hair but it was perfectly fine because he liked me, right?

All of this, but it's okay, because he loves me, right?

"Do you even love me?" I shouted. Dracos face froze. Like a old statute.

Nothing. He said nothing. His silence told me everything I needed to know. And it hurt me more than any combination of letters, words, paragraphs, essays.

"I loved you, I tried my best to understand you. But it's like- running a race without a start or end." Draco admitted, his voice becoming louder than mine.

With tears trickling down my face, I stared at him. Why?

Why was this happening to us?

He has to kill me, but I love him. Why? I had completely forgotten about his task.

I stood there, shaking. I was drowning in love and sorrow. Please don't leave draco. I love you. Those were the words I wanted to say, but I couldn't.


I'm making a part two, it will be up tomorrow!'

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