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Harry Potter

I have to tell Ellie that she's basically dating a death eater. A death eater that could fucking murder her. A person that works for voldemort.

I'm not going to let her get involved with a death eater, especially malfoy.

He hates me for no reason.

Well I don't know the reason if their is one.

It could be because I didn't shake his hand on the first day.

But he also doesn't like ellie.

He's never liked us.

Neither has his parents.

Before I drown myself with all my thoughts I got out of bed. Ron wasn't here. He's probably with hermione doing something stupid. As always.

ellies already very upset with me.

I just want her to understand.

I put on my glasses. The room was a mess. Two teenagers boys live in here. What do you expect? I changed myself into sweat pants and a black t-shirt.

It's 7am on a Saturday. Ellie would probably be at the astronomy tower, drawing whatever comes to mind. She would always draw whenever Dudley would be having a fit. She also told me it calmed her down.

Plus I bought a necklace for Ellie. Also as a im sorry gift. So I'm going to give Ellie a necklace than force her to think that draco is a death eater.

I walked out of the griffindor common room. Silent filled the hallways as only mumbles were audible. The Astronomy tower isn't very far away from my dorm. I rushed down the hall with the necklace clenched in my hand. I take a peek at the necklace, looking down at my hands.

It had a heart shape, p for potter and e for ellie ingraved in the front. green crystals around it.

I didn't realize how fast I was walking until I got to the astronomy tower.

ellie potter

I heard footsteps. Who would be awake at this time?

I kept myself quiet. Just in case it was someone who would want to hurt me. Like Voldemort.

But if he was here to kill me.

I would let him.

Someone turned the corner. "Ellie?" The voice said. The person turned the corner, walking towards me. It's harry. " Harry?" I questioned. " yes " his voice was soft. Very calming. " what are you doing here?"

" I came to tell you something and give you this." Harry walked closer as he took a small box out of his pocket. I didn't say a word.

He handed me the box. I looked up at him. Is he insane, he shows up out of nowhere. After weeks of ignoring me. I opened the box.

Inside there was a necklace. EP carved inside. the green crystals sparkled.

So many thoughts were going through my brain. I just stared at the necklace. It's beautiful. Why is harry giving me this? He doesn't love me anyways. This has to be a sick prank.

" thank you" I wrapped my arms around harry. His touch made me shudder. He clipped the necklace around my neck. " what did you need to tell me." I asked. I honestly have no idea what he wants to tell me. I thought he hated me.

" draco," fear filled Harry's eyes as he spoke. It came out as stutters. " draco what?"

" draco could be a death eater." Harry mumbled. " what?" I shout. He's only doing this so I don't have to date him.

I know it.

He doesn't like draco so he doesn't want me to date him.


" dracos father is a death eater and so is his mother-" he stayed calm as he whispered to me. " No," i sneered. " draco isn't a death eater, it's non of your business about his life."

" well I don't want my sister to be fucking killed like our parents." He snapped. a gasp escaped my mouth. " says you, you're the one trying to fucking kill voldemort! I worry about you and your friends so much. You're going to be the dead one here." I shot back.

" it's not my fault hermione fucked ron. It's just the truth, ellie" Harry's words pierced through me. Hermione really did fuck ron. " and I let them fuck because you never listen anyways, you're always too busy with malfoy"

Pools filled my eyes. Tears trickling down my face. "I hate you" I screamed. My voice cracking from how loud I screamed. My fist clenched. How could he say that? About my boyfriend.

" to be honest, I never loved you anyways." i mumbled. But loud enough for harry to hear. And with that. He left. I heard his footsteps getting quieter and quieter as he walked.

I walked to the edge of the astronomy tower.

Hermione fucked ron while i was dating her.

Draco could be a death eater.

Well I don't know.

And my brother hates me.

Plus my whole family.

But I'm used to it.

It's always been harry.

I wanted the pain to stop.

I wanted someone to tell me the truth.

I looked at the ground. It wasn't a far jump from the ground.

just do it.

everything will feel better.

you'll be dead.

nobody will even notice.

Nobody cares anyways.

I closed my eyes as I stepped forward. I counted to three in my head.

Then I jumped.



in the next chapter i'm going to tell you why ellie did it. because it's not just hermione, draco and harry!!


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