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ellie potter

dumbledore was finally letting me go back to my classes. He was very concerned about my mental health after I tried to, yk. Pansy was very excited about me going back to my classes. But I dreaded it.

I groaned before I got out of bed. My head was pounding. But my arm was stinging. The part where the skull was inprinted into my arm.

That only happens when.. Voldemort is here.

Or at least close.

I reminded myself that dumbledore wouldn't let anything happen to me or harry. I brushed it off my shoulder as the stinging stopped. I slid on my skirt and white blazer. Before I tied my green tie. My necklace was still laying on my chest. It shined whenever light hit it. That was my favorite thing about it.

I put on some black flats before I walked over to pansy. She was still sleeping. " Pansy wake up" I shout as I shake her. " we have breakfast in 30 minutes. I already picked out your outfit" i keep shaking her as she groans, getting up. " you aren't my mother" she scoffs while grabbing her clothes. "I've been taking care of you since we were 11, deal with it." I sneer. I began brushing my hair. Pansy immediately started getting dressed.

I grabbed my robe and wand. Pansy was waiting by the door. " you take forever" Pansy complained. " piss off parkison" i shot back. She rolled her eyes as we walked to the great hall. Students filled the hallways. Everyone was rushing to the great hall.

I locked eyes with harry. Worrisome filled his face as he rushed over to me. I had no idea what was happening. Is he going to yell at me again? " I'll be back, I see blaise" Pansy hugs me quickly before walking over to blaise and Marcus. Harry made his way over to me. " Harry?" I huff, getting annoyed immediately. " did your scar sting this morning?" Harry questioned, his eyes were filled with lust. I nodded. " and that only happens when Voldemort is near." I spoke breathlessly. " we are safe, ellie." Harry tried to stay calm. I shot him a fake smile before I spoke again. "I'm sorry." I sigh, feeling bad for what I said a few days ago. " it's okay." Harry assures me. I nodded before I walked back over to pansy. She was still talking to zabini. But no draco.

We all walked to breakfast. The smell of pancakes, sausage, eggs and many other foods.

I took a seat next to pansy at the slytherin table. Draco still isn't here. But it doesn't matter very much. I know he's probably busy with something. It's normal for him not to show up to places.


I walked out of defense against the dark arts class. I've never liked any of snapes classes. Plus I didnt have defense against the dark arts with pansy, blaise or draco. I only had crabbe and goyle. The most annoying slytherins I can even name.

I walked back to the slytherin common room. Dinner was in a few hours, I just wanted rest first. My arm immediately started stinging again. Causing me to shudder. I began running to dracos dorm. I didn't feel safe. I'm only safe in his arms.

Before I knew it I was inside of the slytherin common room. I was out of breath. the stinging in my arm was back. I felt like millions of needles being stabbed into your arm. Which isn't very pleasant. I rushed down to dracos dorm. I knew he was in here. He barely even goes to class. But I didn't dare to ask him why he never went. I didn't care very much anyways. I trust him not to lie to me.

I knocked on his dorm. He immediately answered. His face was pale. Dark bags under his eyes. " ellie." He spoke breathlessly. Like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. " yes?" I asked, walking into his room.

The smell of apples and Cologne filled my nose. His room was very messy. Papers everywhere.

But there was a wrap on his arm. "There something I need to tell you, it's for your safety. And I need you to understand that I don't have a choice. And I have to do this. I really don't want to do this but I can't-" draco breaths out. " it's okay draco. I'll always love you. You're my safe place." I tried to comfort him. But I felt bad for him.

"Pansy told me that harry told you that I'm a death eater. And I have to tell you now. I can't let anything happen to you. So harry was right. I am a death eater. My father wants me to take after him. But I don't want to be like this." Draco finally says. Tears fell down his face.

I stood in front of him. My boyfriend is a death eater. I wrapped my arms around him as he cried. I just have to stay with him. I still love him.

I want him to be safe.

" I love you draco." I kiss his head as he keeps crying. " I love you more" he sniffles before kissing me.


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