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「 XLIX 」

Tonight was like any late December evening in Seoul. Snowflakes hung in the air longer than rain, making Lisa feel like time had been slowed just to appreciate the beauty of the season. The air was crisp as she sighed, leaning against the wall along a familiar alley way.

A certain someone finally appeared around the corner, and Lisa giggled. "You look adorable," She greets as Taehyung scrunches his nose. He had layers upon layers of coats and jackets, making him look extra huggable. It was tempting but they had somewhere to be, forcing her to suppress the urge to tackle him down and hug him for hours. Taehyung grinned and pulled out one of his many cameras, snapping a picture of Lisa unexpectedly. She shook her head at him as he gazed at the shot he just took. He stared at the photo for some time with a small, dazed smile on his face then looked at Lisa as if it were the first time he laid eyes upon her. It was admirable, the look in his eyes when he looks at her. As if he were falling in love all over again.

He leaned over to kiss her quickly then gently intertwined their gloved hands, pulling her towards their destination. He noticed a while ago that she wore the matching pair of knitted gloves they had picked out together. "You think no one will be there?" Lisa questioned, kicking at the snow as they hurried along the warm-looking streets of Seoul. "Don't worry about it jagi, it'll be fine." His eyes made contact with hers and Lisa found herself trusting those reassuring eyes of his. Something she loved about him was the stability she felt when she was with him, Lisa always felt like she was taken care of and safe whenever they were together. She was the type of person to smash problems immediately as they appeared while he was there to remind her to think before doing anything she'd regret later on. He balanced her.

They arrived at a railing near Han river, where there was a velvet ribbon tied to one of the poles. She moved towards the ribbon and untied it. "Did you put this here?" She asked while twirling the soft cloth around her fingers. "Here..." He took the ribbon from her and moved behind her, carefully tying her hair in a half-up half-down hairstyle. She faced him and smiled, touching the ribbon that now adorned her hair. Lisa started fixing his coat, pulling it tighter, "You know, I love when you have these little surprises planned out," She looked up at him and pulled him closer by his collar, kissing him. It's been so long. She felt him smile against her lips and pulled away to chuckle. "Is that your way of saying you missed me?" She frowned, "Maybe?" He scoffed, but pulled her closer to kiss her again.

Taehyung pulled away breathless, holding her face inches from his own. "Hey, I'm not yet done. I still have more surprises you know," She rolled her eyes jokingly. "You mean we didn't come here to make out?" He laughed, causing her to smile again. Seeing him laugh this close was unreal, she could even gaze at the way his eyes curled up whenever he laughed, and the way his smile gradually got bigger, could even see his breath from the cold. She loved it, loved every detail about him. "Yes, now let's get going, we can make out later," He promised, pecking her lips one last time before pulling her along again.

This time it was a green ribbon, their favorite color. "I didn't really think this through so I can't tie these all to your hair but you know, feel free to keep them," She took it from his hands and admired it, "Of course I'll keep them silly," Taehyung smiled gratefully, taking her hand once again. "Okay this is the last one," He said pulling out a handkerchief. "Oooo, a blindfold? The last time you did this, I almost tripped into a pond," He laughed. "Maybe this time I really will let you fall," She glared at him playfully and he raised his eyebrows innocently. "C'mon, I promise to jump in after you if ever you manage to fall into the river," He offered and it was her turn to burst out laughing. "Okay, fine, jeez," He moved closer and she took one last look at his excited smile before everything turned dark. "Are you ready?" He checked and she nodded. Slowly, he lead her by the hand for a few feet and finally stopped after a minute. "I know its simple but..." He took away her blindfold, "I wanted it to be comfortable, you know? Something special to the two of us." Lisa took a minute to process the scene in front of her.

He wasn't kidding when he said it was simple but it meant the world to her. A picnic blanket was spread over one of the park benches overlooking the river, there was a surprisingly big lamp at the corner, and a picnic basket was in the middle with sunflowers and lilies on its lid. "Tae..." She stared at him and back at the scene. "I fucking love you. You know that right?" Relief washed through his face and he sighed, smiling. "Oh my god, you did all this?" The more she looked, the more she was in awe. Lisa opened the small paper bag beside the bench which held a tag that read To my Love. Inside, it was filled with picture frames, each with a letter stuck in between their unopened stands. She took all the frames out and recognized each one. There was one of them in Paris, in Thailand, in Daegu, everywhere they've been to together. She was wondering why her vision suddenly got blurry, but the tears that came a second later told her why. She stood up from her crouching position to crush Taehyung in a bear hug. "I love you." She whispered while she laughed quietly, happy tears falling from her eyes. "I love you too."


Lisa opened her mouth while Taehyung fed her a strawberry. The date, although not extravagant made her feel so happy. The most she's been in a long time, in fact. It dwelled on her mind how he always managed to know exactly what would cheer her up and get her back to her old self again. She brushed a hand over the pictures' wooden frames which she spread beside her so she could look at them one by one. "These mean so much to me..." She whispered. Lisa was always in awe at how pictures could mean so much to a person, help them relive so many emotions. "And you mean so much to me jagiya," Lisa reached over to feed him a strawberry, "And I'm glad you liked them. Of course this won't be the last of my surprises," He smiled mischievously, as if he already had something planned. Taehyung leaned over to kiss her again, holding her close with one arm and dimming the light of the lantern with the other, giving way for the moon light. Everything was, truly, perfect.

-time skip: one week later

Lisa was browsing through her pink box of sentimental items, the box where she held items that were near and dear to her heart. She liked browsing them ocassionally, or when she felt down. Three different colored ribbons caught her eye, their glowing silk standing out in the sunlight. The ribbons Taehyung gave me on our date last week, she recalled, examining the little details like the stitchings of the material, and how the ribbons themselves still had a faint smell of Taehyung, making her giggle. Before she could return them into the box, she noticed that words were stitched at the very end of each of the ribbons. As there were three of them, she had an inkling as to what they spelled out. Lisa aligned them all on her bed and smiled. She was right. I love you.

a/n: 50K reads thats actually insane guys......thank you so much to everyone reading this rn and special thanks to the 8-10 people who've been here since the beginning, reading, voting, commenting, and watched me grow as an "author" (not much but still) you guys hold a special place in my heart, you know who you are. thank you, i love you all and i hope you have a great day <33333

(p.s. this was kinda rushed and messy but i've had this idea in the back of my head for so long so i figured why not use it for a 50K special hihi)

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