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lisa's pov

I kicked at the gravel beneath my feet, dreading going home and having to do my paper. It was a cold, windless night and no one was out on the streets. It was right of them however, with this kind of weather. I was so caught up in studying at the library, I lost track of the time. Pulling my jacket tighter around my body, I clutched my book bag and started taking longer strides. I just remembered, Akiro said he'd be home before me tonight. He said he wanted to talk to me about something. Excited to see him, I started walking with more purpose in my step. Some wind blew at my long skirt and I glanced down without pausing. I continued staring down at my feet for a while, staring at the grass growing between the tiles. Now that I'm a med student, I think I've been able to appreciate the small things better. Sounds cliché, I know.

I slowed down as I spotted a pair of feet facing me. Looking up, my eyes met those of a burly old man, one who appeared to be drunk. I recoiled and mumbled a small sorry while trying to walk past him. He stepped in front of me, causing me to stop and look at him again. "Excuse me sir, you're blocking my way." I said, louder this time. A sly smirk was plastered on his face and I made a face of disgust, realizing his intentions. "What's a pretty little girl doing out in the cold night?" He started taking small steps towards me. Every step he took forward, I took a step backwards.

Run in 3, 2, 1. Before I could turn and run, an arm falls over my shoulders, pulling me close. "None of your business. Now excuse us, we're going to be late." A deep but young voice retorted beside me. I stood still, shoving down my surprise and trying to put up an air of confidence. Just play along Lisa. The man looked at the guy beside me then looked back at me. He finally retreated into the alley begrudgingly, muttering indecipherable words. The guy lets go of me after we both watch him disappear into the far corner. "Kamsahamnida," I uttered quietly and bowed to him.

My own eyes were met by pleasant, almond shaped ones. The boy had slightly long curly brown hair and heart-shaped lips, and was clad in a thick brown overcoat. "No problem, you should bring some pepper spray with you next time. Where are you headed?" He asked and we continued walking together. "Around here, to my apartment." Suddenly, my phone buzzes with a notification. It's from Akiro: Where are you? I replied that I was close and would arrive soon. "Um, thank you again. May I know your name?" I asked the stranger and his eyes perked up in a smile, "My name's Taehyung." I nodded, "My name's Lalisa but people call me Lisa. I paused awkwardly, "Anyways, goodbye Taehyung oppa, I need to go now. Thank you again." I gave him a quick wave and smiled before taking a right turn. I have to admit, that was a clever ruse. I'm relieved I was able to suppress any reaction.

I wonder what Akiro wants to tell me... He and I have been together since senior year and I can't believe we're in the same college now. I smiled, reminiscing our relationship. It's honestly been the best 2 years of my life with him. He's the perfect boyfriend too, he's sweet and kind and caring, basically everything I could ask for. Without noticing, I realized I had already reached my apartment. I opened my door, expecting to see a smiling Akiro, ready to hug me and massage my hands like he always does when he knows I'm stressed. Instead, I was greeted with suffocating silence. "Akiro? Oppa where are you?" I heard some shuffling and he walked out from the living room. He hugged me tightly, tighter than usual, as if he didn't want to let go. "Hey," I greeted and pulled away first. "Are you okay? Have you eaten?" I asked and he nodded with a small smile painted on his lips. Something is wrong. "Lisa..." He purses his lips, obviously hesitating to tell me. Akiro takes my hand abruptly and guides me around the kitchen, towards the balcony.

"What's wrong?" I asked when we went outside. He seemed agitated and a bad feeling grew in my stomach. The biting air causes me to shiver a bit but I stood still. "Lisa... I'm studying abroad." My breath caught in my throat and I stared at him blankly. "W-what?" Maybe I misheard him or something. "I'm studying in France. My flight leaves in two days." He looked up at me with tearful eyes and his words sunk in. He's leaving. Akiro gently took my hand, searching my eyes. I blinked again and tears blurred my vision. I wiped at my eyes and composed myself. I needed to stay calm, I needed to be happy for him, as his girlfriend. "How long are you staying there?" I asked and took my hand away from his, suddenly feeling even colder. "I'm going to live there, Lisa." He answered softly. I never knew five words was all it took. It felt like I was getting crushed, the more he spoke. One after another, it felt like sharp knives were stabbing into my heart. It all became clear to me in an instant. All my missed calls, the short emotionless replies, the cold I love you's. He had been trying to distance himself. Maybe so I could feel less pain. So why does it hurt all the same?

a/n: tae's not even in here much but well,,, i guess i'll leave the ending to your imagination :D

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