spilled milk

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I walked into Lindsay's first period and see her sitting in the back of the class now? i sat her coffee on her desk and she looked up and sighed. "hey Y/N?" she said nervously, "yeah hey Lindsay! what's going on you got Millie going insane?!" i laugh a little and bend down to talk to her. "it's nothing major i just need some space okay?" she said a little more harsh this time. "Lin's?! you want space from me and millie? we've all been friends since elementary." i frown, "well things change!" she huffed looking around like she was embarrassed to talk to me? "fine Lin's enjoy the coffee." i sigh and walk to my class.

1st period went by super fast mostly because i wasn't paying attention? i just kept drawing and eating the extra muffins out of sadness. i had one extra left but if i ate that one id have to get up to throw away the paper bag which would honestly feel embarrassing.
walking to 2nd i see Lindsay walking down the hall with some guy wearing a beanie? i bump into her and she rolled her eyes. the guy laughed and said something to her.

i got to class a little late and saw the guy from earlier this morning now sitting in the desk next to my seat? he normally sits in the middle row. he looked over at me with a small smile, this is just getting annoying? i sat down and grabbed out the book we were reading in class, i could see out of the corner of my eye him looking at me? i sigh marking my place in the book and i look over at him, "yes?" i say annoyed. "i just wanted to say sorry about this morning i saw Kim shoved you she can be a lil mean sometimes." his eyes never left mine, i could feel my cheeks blush. "uh? okay thanks" i pick up the books and start reading, the teacher soon after comes in and tells us that for today we'll be reading for the first few minutes any book we want or the one that's assigned. then we can either keep reading or do some catch up work. i grabbed out a different book from my bag, it's just some book about Plato. He kept looking over at me i could feel his eyes pierce into me. i turn over to look at him again, "do you like reading?" He said awkwardly "I mean i guess it's fine. why?" he kept looking at the book i was holding, "i was just wondering, this class is kinda boring ya know" he laughed under his breath. he seems really awkward but overall nice.

class went on and he would sit there and look around the room? only reading maybe three pages of our assigned book. the teacher leaves to go do something and everyone starts talking and he turns over to me, "so uh? ho-how long have you known Lindsay? i know i've seen y'all around before but uh?" he stammers a lot when he talks? "we had been friends since elementary. not so much anymore." i sigh then drinking more of my coffee, "oh really? why'd you guys stop being friends" i looked down at my hands, i don't wanna be rude but it's because she started hanging with him and his friends? she had never been rude to me or Millie before. "she's just pulled away a lot from me and my friend millie. plus she was being a total pain this morning." "ah i'm sure it'll blow over she's probably just mad because she has to go to the dance this weekend." he stuffed the book in his bag and looked at me with a small frown "what do you mean she has to go? Millie said she didn't want to help out? their trying to save up to get the school a computer." i smiled a little i thought it was funny how much Millie tried using that as a selling point for Lindsay to help. "i uh kinda got her in a little trouble yesterday. we skipped latin she was kinda sad." i laughed a little thinking of the way her dad must've reacted to that? "oh? okay then? are you going to the dance?" he looked at me a little surprised, "i mean i don't know? me and my friends had something planned but who knows Daniels thinking about us going to the dance to be around Lindsay." he says looking around a little?? "uh who's Daniel?" he then described him to me and i noticed he was the guy who was with Lindsay when i bumped into her. the bell rang and i started grabbing my stuff, he waved at me bye, "uh h-hey!" i stammer out and he turned around smiling all goofy again, "you? uh? you never told me your name?" i tried keeping my smile small but his smile kinda just makes you want to smile too?

"It's Nick. you?" he started walking out and i followed "Y/N." i smiled up at him when he looked down. "that's cool well i better get going?" he walked off to where Lindsay and her new friends were in the hall. i sighed when she made eye contact with me. it felt like minutes passed in those few seconds we stared at each other.


"Did you hear? Lindsay got into some argument with some guys during gym today and it ended in Eli going to the hospital! he has to get a cast i think. I told you those freaks were gonna start trouble!" "Millie i don't think you know the whole story? Lindsay wouldn't start anything to get Eli hurt?!"
Millie had become obsessed these past few days talking about Lindsay and her friends. Millie now started talking about the dance tomorrow and how Lindsay has to go and if i wanted to help or something. i started thinking about this morning talking to Lindsay then talking to Nick? today felt so unreal, "Oh my gosh?!" Millie yelped as i fell onto the cold linoleum floor and she dropped her tray of slimy mystery meat on her shoes. "what the heck?!" i looked up and see Nick looking scared with his tray on the floor, i was coved in milk and mystery meat. "i-im so sorry!" Nick said quickly bending down to me and so did Millie, i looked around and saw jocks and cheerleaders laughing a little, Sam and his friends looking over confused, and all the way across the cafeteria near the doors out to the patio, Lindsay covering her mouth shocked, her tall blonde friend laughing with who i learned to be Daniel and another guy.
Nick helped me up and Mr. Kowchevski ran over "oh my god you guys?!" he seemed super frustrated at first and then looked at my face i guess. i was honestly holding back tears and felt my face turn red. "o-okay everyone shows over! i'll go get the janitor? you guys just go to the counselors for now and we'll figure out getting you cleaned up." Millie sighed angrily and Nick waved to his friends and walked with me and Millie out of the cafeteria.

Once we were more down the hall i sighed felt a few tears go down my face, Millie whipped her head over at me the second she heard a sniffle. "Y/N?! don't cry it's okay? does your butt hurt from falling?" she said worried, i started laughing a little and rubbed my eyes. "does my butt hurt?! i mean a little i guess Millie?" she looked blank faced at me for a few seconds and we both started laughing, "should we get you a pillow for when you sit during 5th period?" millie laughed out. "honestly?" i say making a face, she wrapped her arm around me and Nick laughed a little looking over at us. we both turned to him and i laughed a little, "hey this is your fault!" millie snapped at him. "look i'm really sorry i wasn't looking and i didn't mean to bump into you guys" he seemed truly sorry and a little fried? Millie mumbled fine under her breath.

"well what happened here?" Mr. Rosso looked us up and down as we walked into his small office. "This behemoth bumped into me and Y/N and now my shoes are covered in gross meat and Y/N has milk all over her!" Millie rambled angrily to him. He looked at us confused and it went quiet, "behemoth?" Nick said sounding offended looking over at Millie and i giggled just a little. Millie started rambling angrily to him and he tried saying again how he wasn't looking and after a few more seconds Millie uttered the word freak and Mr.Rosso looked shocked, "okay that's enough!" Millies cheeks started turning red and Nick looked annoyed now. i kept looking down at the floor. "Now this seems to just be an accident and some of you are getting a little too worked up." he got up from his chair now sitting on his desk looking at us. "Nick apologize to these young ladies." he sighed, "I'm sorry for bumping into you both and ruining your shoes and getting milk all over you." he turned back to Mr. Rosso, "Now Millie apologize to Mr. Andopolis-" "but he!" millie tried protesting, "for calling him a freak which is a total bogus thing to say." Mr. Rosso said more firmly now.  "I'm sorry for calling you a freak even tho you did bump into us!" she crossed her arms.

Mr. Rosso said we could go home since by now we only had one class period left. "thank you Mr. Rosso." i smiled, "no problem Y/N, tell your dad i said hi the next time you see him." "i will." i smiled.

my first week at Mckinley my freshman year i had a panic attack in the bathroom and ended up in the counselors office with Mr. Rosso who called my dad to come pick me up. They both then freaked out noticing they were old friends, apparently back in the 60s they both fought side and side and protested against war. my dad now works 24/7 as a lawyer and how he'd say it 'fighting for change while undercover in the system' ever since him and my mom got divorced last year i hardly get to see him. Millie walked to my car, her arms still crossed. i felt Nick tap my shoulder, "You know i didn't mean to like?" "it's completely fine Nick." i cut him off touching his arm slightly, we both awkwardly looked at each other for a few seconds. Millie honked my car horn and i jumped up and took my hand off his arm. i looked over and Millie made a face at me. "i should get going? oh i'm sorry Millie called you a freak?" i sighed, "i'm sorry i hurt your butt?" he laughed a little and i smiled waving bye.

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