come sail away

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Millies POV:
I slipped on the green dress my mom had bought be for our churches last Easter hunt. It looked really nice with my sheer long sleeves. *KNOCK KNOCK* i jump at Y/N slamming on the bathroom door, "Millie if you want me to take you we need to get going soon!" i sighed and swing open the door only to see Y/N in ripped up jeans and some band shirt i've never heard of. "Y/N!" i whined walking over to her bed, "what??" she looked at me confused "you're really not gonna wear a dress to the dance? this is important we're trying to-" "get the school a new computer i know millie it's very important. but im only going to be your ride home incase you have too much punch my love." she snickered, "Y/n that's not funny! teen drinking is dangerous! *sighs* why not just wear that black dress you have. it'll look really good with your hair all messy like it is right now?" i tilt my head seeing how fluffy her hair was. "i took a nap" she mumbles, "fine i'll put on the dress but i'm not dancing." she gave me a fake smile and started getting dressed.

walking to my car i thought about this past school week, Lindsay wasn't talking to me and Millie still. However her new little posse would occasionally look over at us and the taller blonde one would whisper something and start cackling. I pull down the black mini dress Millie suggested me to wear. I slump into my car and feel the dress slightly roll up my thighs. Millie turns the volume nob down in my car before i started my car and we both started giggling as 'Runnin' with the devil' starts playing softer then my music normally is. it was like light elevator music now.

We drove into the parking lot and Millie hoped out the car before i could even fully park. There wasn't many people in the gym yet thankfully, i felt so weird in a dress at school. I slipped my thick leather jacket over myself and yet again tried pulling my dress down. "Ms. L/N and Ms. Kentner! You both look very nice this evening. I see someone's a little cold." Mr. Rosso chuckled as he spoke and i waved hello awkwardly. me and millie made jokes about the way some of the guys were dancing and we held onto each other's arms lightly swaying back and forth. "y/n. she's here looook!" Millie whispered in my ear and yanked my arm closer to her. She was in the clothes she's been wearing to school lately and she looked annoyed to see the both of us, i smile weakly at Millie and tell her i need to use the restroom.

The air in the bathroom felt thick and sticky. i ran cold water over my hands and heavily sighed pulling myself together. She had completely ditched us and for what! some mean people who smoke and skip class. i knew it was a little hypocritical of me i mean i smoked sometimes, never around millie though. however that was out of politeness, it made her uncomfortable. i've skipped class a few times. i guess i just figured if she was going to start doing that stuff it would be with me.

I walk back into the gym and see Millie dancing side to side, Lindsay with an annoyed look on her face, and Sam whispering to his friends in what looked like a cute little game plan huddle for nerds. i leaned back and hear 'Come Sail Away' start playing. I feel someone tap my shoulder and see Mr. Rosso standing over me. "Why don't you go dance Y/N? it is a dance after all." he had this very wide smile spread across his face like he was a school girl who just got some juicy gossip. "oh i'm just here as like support? for millie??" i say confused, "What are you thinking about Lindsay?" I hear Millie say, "Uh? I think i'm going to dance with Eli. Be right back Jeff!" me and Millie giggled at Mr. Rosso's face, "Um Lin's maybe you should start calling me Mr. Rosso again?" she laughed yes and ran off, "So Jeff wanna dance?" Millie laughed out, i chocked on my punch and Mr.Rosso looked at us like we were 5th graders laughing at a fart joke. he nodded his head at Lindsay and we looked over to see her dancing with Eli. She looked really happy, "good for her?" Millie said under her breath. "hey look it's that guy" Millie nudged me and i look over to see Nick sitting on the gym stage playing with a balloon. he looked faded

"i'll be right back" i walk over to him and stuff my hands in my jacket pockets. "hey i'm really sorry about this but Mr. Rosso wanted me to walk you to his office because you seem to be very high and we just can't let you stay." he looked at me scared, "what no i'm not?! he looks high all the time! he's not gonna call my dad right?" i started laughing at how panicked he got, i feel my face turn slightly red from laughing, "oh ha ha very funny y/n." he remembered my name? "why'd you come?" i sit next to him on the stage, "uh well i came with Sean since Lindsay couldn't come over and uh Kim kinda just followed us. her and Daniel were fighting a lot today" he stammers a lot when talking "why why'd you come? this doesn't really seem like your thing" "how would you know" i slightly laughed, "um i came with Millie, she needed a ride and ya know? the school could really use a computer." i awkwardly laughed, he chuckled, "yeah i guess so?" "you should go get some?" i smiled, he laughed "what" and i realized what that might've sounded like, "punch! you should go get some punch." i looked up at him, "i'm not really thirsty." he smiled, "oh come on Nick it's super fruity and we have crushed ice!" i hop down the gym stage, "is this you trying to promote the punch?" he laughed hopping down, "for a computer." i giggled walking him over to Millie.

"we will have two cups of your finest punch good women." i say with a fancy voice and Millie slightly smiles, i pull out some cash i had in my pocket and Nick grabbed my hand "no wait let me pay!" he starts searching his pockets, "it's just four dollars Nick it's okay." i hand Millie the money and she hands us the drinks, "so you and Lindsay really aren't friends?" he looked over at her, "nah not anymore." i sighed and for the rest of the night Nick would walk around and come back to get more punch which i paid for. I drove Millie home and she hugged me bye.

I walked into my own house and sighed throwing my jacket on the couch, i hit play on the answering machine and hear two meant for my dad that i scribbled down on a notepad we kept next to it. the answering machine clicks and i hear my dads voice, "hey sweetie i know i've been gone for two weeks now but i'll have to stay another week this is a big case for me. i'll have your cousin Ricky come by in a day and give you some money and just make sure your okay." i curled into the couch, i hadn't seen Ricky in what felt like years. last time i saw him was at a family pool party he was getting yelled at by his mom because we had tried seeing if his pet cat could swim. he was a few years older then me but it's weird to think of him being someone to come see if i'm okay? i feel myself drifting off to sleep.

y'all i made the new book cover :)

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