the right to kill - chapter 21 part 2

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The Mikaelson Compound.

'Is she okay?' Astrid ran back into the Compound to see Cami look back up at her with a delicate smile at her concern. 'I'm okay. What's the plan?'

'Rebekah's taking the deal now.' Klaus stated and Cami began to reiterate the plan back to them, 'Kol found someone to jump Rebekah into just incase things go wrong.' Astrid's shoulders relaxed at this, 'Who?.' Kol came into the room next with a smile, 'Miss Angelica Barker. Cheekbones to die for and a tummy you can bounce a quarter off of.'

Astrid ran to Kol uncharacteristically and engulfed him in a hug which triggered Nik but he stayed quiet, reminding himself that they had known each other for just as long as the husband and wife had. Kol's eyes grew in size but he returned it gratefully, finally having hope that he may be accepted again. Before Kol's death, Astrid was always the one to make sure he wasn't being left out - always making sure that the wildest Mikaelson brother had just as much a bigger part in "Always and Forever" then Elijah or Niklaus.

'Thank you.' Astrid smiled at the youngest Mikaelson. Kol knew that Astrid was simply worried about Rebekah but he was finally being recognised, 'It's alright, love. You know I'm always here when you need me.'

'But I do have a question, brother.' Kol looked up to Nik with his hand still on Astrid's shoulder and almost jolted when he saw the scowl on his big brother's face which provoked him to remove his hand from his sister in law. He gulped before he asked, 'What exactly is our insurance if this all goes wrong?'. As Kol spoke, Astrid turned around and witnessed her husband's icy face too and crossed her arms with a raised eyebrow.

'Don't you worry, Kol. There's always a plan B. Our sister is probably planting our insurance as we speak.' Nik hummed sarcastically but the scowl melted when he finally looked at Astrid. As they were left on one side of the room, Astrid approached Nik first with crossed arms and a frown.

'This doesn't feel right, Nik. We should be with her.'

'We're going to go get her soon love, don't worry.'

'No. We should go now. Please.' Astrid begged and it made the hybrid feel uneasy. Astrid didn't break contact with her husband at all, wether it was the hand on his arm or the pleading look in her eye. Cami looked over at the two while the interaction was going on and confusion washed over her when a pang of jealousy grabbed her heart.

Nik contemplated for a moment before over hearing Kol asked for the white oak stake, 'Kol! Whatever grudges you hold against me, we're doing this for the good of our family. Do I have your word that, for once, you will honor that?'

Astrid swiftly ran over, 'You're offering what now?' The brothers ignored her and Kol replied, 'You have my word, Nik. Swear on the face of us all.'

Klaus smiled weakily, 'I'll get the stake.' Astrid looked between the two in fury, Davina looked up and made eye contact with the woman and didn't disagree with her anger. Astrid stalked off to grab her jacket. When she left Klaus's side, he felt it and walked over with an equally as foul look on his face. 'What's bothered you now?'

'Remember that feeling I told you about? That somethings not right?' Astrid neared to his face before looking over at Kol, provoking Nik to do the same. 'Did you even question why Kol wanted the stake?'

'You were the one hugging him earlier.' Klaus grew defensive and Astrid flared up, 'That's because he's saving two people that are very near to me. That's not to say I trust him with my own life which is something you've just forced me to do.' She smiled bitterly before waving to the others and walking out, 'Thank you ever so much, my love.'

Lafayette Cemetery.

Astrid arrived at the cemetery before Nik did and was just in time. She crouched hidden on the top of a tomb as she watched the scene unfold. Esther stood at the altar where Genevieve tried to sacrifice Hope with Kol by her side and Rebekah stood in the pathway.

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