II That Girl II Stig

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A/N: Sorry for not updating yesterday so I will update twice today!

***** Stig's POV ****

Erak had sent the herons on yet another tax collecting trip... It was starting to get annoying. 

"Stig!" A voice cried breaking my train of thought. I whipped my head in that direction and saw Hal waving like he was crazy. 

"Yeah?" I answered. Hal motioned for him to come to the tiller. 

"Look" Hal muttered discreetly pointing in the direction of Hallasholm. Erak stood there looking ecstatic. 

"Wonder what's got him so happy?" I wondered out loud. 

"Maybe a new cane?" Thorn suggested from behind us. I let out a little chuckle. 

"He liked the one we got from Scoripian Mountain, I doubt he would change his cane" Hal added. In a few minutes we were docked and ready. Erak was frowning now. 

"Gorlog's Beard Erak! What's got you so tensed?" Thorn bellowed unable to contain his curiosity. 

"Oh? Sorry, I'm waiting for a few friends" Erak started but stopped with a wide grin looking at the harbor. A new ship had docked. Erak speed walked over to it. 

"Gorlog's Beard! Will, you've grown" Erak bellowed loud enough for everyone in Hallashom to hear. I coughed politely, to grab his attention but Erak ignored me. I noticed a familiar face. 

"Gilan!" I shouted to grab his attention. He grinned and waved to me. I noticed a gray-bearded man appeared behind Gilan and whacked him on the head. 

"Why'd you do that for Halt?" Gilan asked rubbing his sore spot. 

"That was for teasing me" The gray-beared man, Halt snorted. I noticed a young girl walk out with 2 other women. One had blonde hair and was extremely tall another had dirty honey blonde hair and looked like royalty, none of them had caught Stig's attention. But the third one had, She had Y/H/C hair that draped beyond her shoulder, her Y/E/C eyes sparkled with laughter. She wore hunting clothes like the other two girls. 

"Stop staring" Hal hissed behind him. Immediately he'd averted his eyes from the three beautiful women. 

"Shut up Y/N" The tall blonde girl shot back at the girl that I was staring at. 

"Oh come on Alyss! It was just a joke" Y/N pleaded. 

"Fine" Alyss, the blonde tall girl, huffed. 

"Evanlyn? Why are you so quiet?" Y/N asked. 

"Nothing, just looking at Hallsholm. It hasn't changed has it?" Evanlyn answered. 

"Hello Evanlyn, Alyss and Y/N" Erak greeted. 

"Hullo Erak" Y/N replied. "How's being Oberjarl?" 

"Horrible! No raids." Erak pouted/yelled. Lydia noticed that the three women were armed. And grinned as though to say: I've-found-my-people. 

"Hi! I'm Lydia" She greeted them. The other three answered. 

"Are any of you good with a long ranger weapon?" She asked them.

"Evanlyn and Y/N are good. Evanlyn uses the sling and Y/N the longbow." Alyss answered. 

"Great! Wanna practice?" Lydia asked clearly excited. 

"Sure" Y/N responded running up to the ship and grab a few things. She came out wearing a white and black cloak that seemed to shimmer and disappear. She wore a longbow on her back. An arrow shaft and double scabbard hands at her waist.

"You're a Ranger?" I blurted out. 

"Got a problem with that?" She asked me with an eyebrow raised. A boy with brown hair, Will, shook his head rapidly.

"No" I squeaked out. Lydia leads the three women away to her shooting range. 

"Mind if those two join?" Halt grunted.

"Why?" Gilan asked looking mildly offended. 

"You both need practice, I doubt you'd be able to hit a mark when it's 10 meter's away" Halt snorted. I was confused, Gilan could shoot like the devil himself. 

"Fine" Gilan and Will grumbled following the girls.

"Hal come on! You have a crossbow" Lydia's voice echoed from ahead. I decided to follow them. 

I saw the Ranger's, Y/N included, sharpening their arrowheads. Lydia was inspecting her atal. Evanlyn was grabbing a few smooth rocks. 

"Ready?" Halt's voice barked. A chorus of "yes" came from the crowd. A few Skandians had come to watch this. They cheered loudly. 

"First target, 20 meters." Halt barked. The moment the words came from his mouth the Rangers had fired and hit perfectly. Evanlyn was next, she fired as well and with a thump knocked the center. Lydia also fired just slower than the Rangers and the Arulan princess. Hal who fired now, missed the target by centimeters. 

"How did you-" Lydia started to look at Will and Y/N. Both of them grinned at each other. 

"A Ranger practices till they never get it wrong" The chorused with Gilan. Halt shook his head hiding a smile in his cowl. For some reason the exchange between Will and Y/N made my heart sink like a stone. A few more minutes of practice, and yet again they continued to impress everyone.

"Last shot between Y/N and Will" Halt announced. Both of them had a competitive glint. 

"You're going down Treaty" She spat. 

"I'd like to see you try Y/L/N." He shot back.

"100 meters ready, set." Halt started. Halt drew a breath.

"Fire!" He bellowed. Two bowstrings thrummed. 

"The winner is, Will." Halt barked. Will grinned at Y/N. I wanted to go strangle him but I felt a nudge. 

"Someone has a crush" Hal whispered into my ear. I glared at him, but I noticed that Y/N smiled at me. She wrapped her head with her cowl and seemed to disappear from the snow-covered woods. I looked for her and felt another tap on my shoulder. 

"By Gorlog's beard Hal! I don't have a crush on Y/N" I bellowed turning around to face my friend but instead, I found Y/N.

"Well, that was confusing." She spoke. I looked down at my feet feeling the heat rising to my cheeks. 

"This is awkward isn't it?" She added. I cleared my throat.

"What?" She asked blankly. 

"Are you... and Will....?" I stuttered. She looked at me and started laughing her head off. 

"Oh, gods no! He's like my brother" She wheezed before laughing again.

"Well, then would you like to go for a ride on the Heron?" I asked her. She raised an eyebrow.

"Hmm... I promised Gilan I would help him make arrows." She started but looking at my expression smiled. 

"Sure" She muttered before disappearing once again. 

She's unique, isn't she? That girl... she's something alright...

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