The year past with the news that death eaters including my mother Bellatrix Lestrange escaped from Azkaban, the attack on Mr Weasley, Sirius's death (what broke me, since he was the only real family I had left and also for Harry), the ministry finally believing that Voldemort's back and that Umbridge finally got removed from Hogwarts. But unfortunately I couldn't finish the year with Fred and George because they got departed for Rebelling against Umbridge tok much.
I am sitting in the Gryffindor common room reading a book, when Ginny comes sitting next to me and gives me a letter.
"Open it" she says.
"Is this for me?" I ask stupidly.
"Yes, it's from mum" she answers.
Dear Y/N,
I've know you don't have anywhere to go to after school. I think about it all the time and we all agreed it would be an honer if you wanted to come live with us. I made a very special room just for you, so it will feel like your home. You can make it to your own place and don't forget to bring your stuff. If you need any help, we're here. That's least what we can do. I hope to see you soon, lots of love from me and the boys.Molly
"It's already settled" Ginny says.
"I... I don't know what to say. I'm so thankful for all of this and all of you guys. I don't know where I'd be without you. Thank you so much"
"Don't thank me, thank my mum. It was her idea."
"Oh I definitely will then"
It's Friday and it is the day to go home. It feels so good to say "I'm going home" I already packed my stuff, because I couldn't sleep during the night and now I'm sitting in the common room with Angelina playing games and talk a bit. Alicia and Lee come towards us to say goodbye to us.
After we said our tenth goodbye for today to each other, we are officially ready to go home.
Harry, Ron and Ginny were already waiting for me.
When we left Hogwarts grounds we got into a carriage what brought us to the train.
In the train I sit with Angelina, Alicia and Lee again for a little while."You guys are going to write, right?" We ask each other.
"I'll try at least, but don't freak out if you don't receive anything" I say, because I know it might be to dangerous, because I live with the Weasleys.
But I was going to miss them so much, who was I going to have girl talk with? Ginny? That would be awkward since I'm with her brother and she's three years younger than me. There was also Hermione, but I never talked much with her, because most of the time she's with Ron and Harry and she was also younger than me, so it's all very difficult. But I just have to bite my way through this one, at least I had George.
Fred, George and I work a lot on the store during the summer. Sometimes even the other Weasleys too, but Arthur for example was really busy with Harry and the order of the Phoenix. So he was gone for a couple of days sometimes. When he is, I try to stay around for Molly. I owe her, because she opened her house for me and everything that goes with it.
Sometimes when we are on a big project in the store we stay the night there, we have some mattresses, blankets and food and if the others need some distraction they also spend the night sometimes, but we don't do that very often, because Molly doesn't feel comfortable with us staying at Diagon Alley during these times. It seems to be the place where most death eaters are spotted. But Fred and George try to find joy everywhere and they want to give the other people a little bit of fun and joy too.
After 2 months of hard work and finishing touches 'Weasley Wizard Wheezes' is ready to open.
And somehow it's full of people everyday. It never gets boring here."Y/N!" I turn around to see who it was who called my name. "Y/N!"
"Angelina!" I sort of yell back. "What are you doing here?" I ask.
"Seeing you guys of course! These are my parents"
"Hi, you must be Y/N" her mom says to me.
"Yeah, nice to meet you" "I say back.
"So... where is Fred?" Angelina's dad asks.
"Dad!" Angelina says embarrassed.
"I'm sorry we're all just very excited" Angelina's dad says.
"There he is" I say and point at him. "Make sure you don't kiss the wrong boy!" I yell after her while she walks towards the boys. But she's already there of course.
"You know you're always welcome at our house right, Y/N?" Angelina's mother continues to me.
"Thank you so much, I'm very lucky with everyone. Right now I live with the Weasleys, they're like my family" I tell them.
When Fred, George and Angelina arrive, George joins my side and puts his arm around my waist. Fred doesn't come to close to Angelina, because of her father. Angelina's dad clears his throat and introduces himself to Fred.
"Nice to meet you Mr Johnsen" Fred responds nervously.
George and I chuckle. It's very amusing to look at. But my only thought at the moment is that I will never have this awkward moment with George and my dad. My dad doesn't even know I exist anymore and I have no idea who my biological dad is and he'll probably care less. I don't know what thought hurts me more. But I ignore it and take Angelina with me to show her all the things I made or worked on in the store, while Fred and George both try to escape the conversation with Mr and Mrs Johnsen with the fact they are very busy and have to get back to work.
"That's a relieve" Fred says after they leave.
"Watch out they might still hear you" I say.
"What!" He says freaked out and looks behind him to see if they're still there.
"It was a joke" George says. "But he's right, they even asked me if I treat you right" George says to me.
The same night at 5 pm we closed the shop and went back home.

Re Placed (George Weasley fanfic)
FanficIt all started when Y/N, a girl with a kind personality, light brown wavy hair and ocean blue eyes unexpectedly arrives at Hogwarts and becomes friends with Angelina Johnsen, Alicia Spinnet, Lee Jordan and the Weasley twins, while her history about...