I'm wondering through the castle on my own. I enter the hall with the staircases and talk a little with the flower girl. I take the nearest staircase and go into a random empty room I know no one will enter and sit against the wall to study. I grab my herbology books, but see something shiny in the corner of my eyes. When I look that way I see it's a piece of glass and when I pick it up I see my face in it. After I blink again I suddenly see a women with messy black curls hanging in front of her face. I let the piece fall on the ground, because it scared the shit out of me. So I grab my books and make my way back to the Gryffindor common room.
"Y/N! Y/N!" Angelina runs to me like a maniac from the staircases as if she was about to jump off of them. "Y/N! Y/N! You never guess what just happened!" Angelina says while standing panting in front of me from all that running. I turn to Angelina and ask her what happened. "Fred... Fred, he kissed me."
"Oh Mylanta! He did?" I say sarcastically surprised of course, cause I knew it would happen someday.
"You don't sound surprised" she says insecure.
"No, of course not. It's so obvious you guys are into each other since the Yule ball, at least that was what George told me. I wasn't there."
"Might be true" Angelina says. "But why do you look so pail? You look like you've seen a ghost"
"It's nothing" I answer and try to avoid the subject by saying "If Fred was anything like his brother it wouldn't have taken him so long."
"Wait... are you saying George made a move to you?"
"No! Of course not, but I mean that these guys aren't afraid of anything"
"Maybe they're afraid of rejection" Angelina says.
"Did Fred say that?" I ask curious.
"No, but it could be true."
"Sure" I answer sarcastically.
"So, now we finally have some alone time and the boys do too. Tell me about George, what have you guys been up to?" Angelina asks.
"Nothing! We're just friends."
"I wasn't even talking about that, I meant: 'How do you guys kill the time.' But since we're on the subject... tell me."
"I have nothing to say, George is a very good friend" I answer. "And we kill time together, with studying and other stuff like that."
"Studying?" Angelina says unbelievably. "Sure Y/N, you and George have just been studying all those weeks."
"He also teaches me a lot of things and we play games and stuff" I add.
"As long as he lets the quidditch lessons up to me, I'm okay with it." Angelina says.
"Good subject! How's quidditch practice going?" I ask her.
"Better, since I finally can start focusing on other things than a stupid boy."
"No, I mean that I was putting all my energy in Fred, that I didn't have time left for the other important stuff."
"So if you're not interested in George, who do you like?" Angelina asks.
"No one, I swear. I'm just focusing on myself, on my friends, school and my future."
"I admire that about you." Angelina says.
"Really? Why?" I ask surprised.
"Yeah! You're like, nice to everyone around you and always take care of others, but when you do... you kind of ignore your own struggles."
"Maybe there's a little truth in what you're saying. Why wasn't I sorted into Hufflepuff or something."
"Because you're brave." Angelina says without any hesitation.
"When? I never see myself being brave, ever" I tell her.
"Don't you remember when Harry lost his temper and got super mad when that weird Malfoy kid walked by in complete silence and he looked depressed like hell. You came out for him as if he was your little brother, even though he's a Slytherin and we are on Harry's side" she adds.
"I did it for a 5th year Gryffindor girl, the one who always hangs out with Harry, Ron, Hermione and the others. I think her name was Isobel. We were in Umbridge's detention together and we talked a lot and she told me something about Draco, what gave me the need to stand up for him once, in the hope one day he can do that by himself without insulting people so much."
"Wow, you never told me that before" Angelina says shocked.
"Yeah, it was kind of privet for her and probably for him too. I don't know why she thought she could trust me with something like that, I mean we were in detention together and I'm two years older. I could have been a snitcher or something."
Angelina laughs.
"Why are you laughing about that?" I ask. "I'm bloody serious."
"Yeah, but you have this happy and trusting appearance" Angelina says while still laughing. "If you were a snitcher or just a bad person, you wouldn't look like that."
"Isn't that weird, that we're kind of sorted like that. The mean people look mean inside and out and the nice people the exact opposite. Crazy right?"
"We live in a crazy world Y/N, with crazy people"
We look at each other and we both start laughing again.
That night after curfew the third years and up Gryffindors gather in the common room. Fred, George and Lee spread the word we were going to do truth or dare and of course we were in too. I thought it was going to be weird or stupid so I brought a book just in case. I sit on the ground crossed legged between George and Alicia. The common room was only lit with some candles and the moon and the stars shining through the window.
Fred made sure everyone was quiet after a while and starts the game."So, Ginny..." he says with a huge evil smirk on his face.
"Oh no, there we go" Ginny says exhaling.
"Truth or dare?" Fred asks still smiling in an evil way.
"Truth" she sighs.
"Okay, let's see..." Fred looks confirming at George and George responds with a laugh and nods. "Who do you fancy?" Fred asks while handing her Veritaserum.
She swallows it after she gives her brothers a filthy look and accidentally spits out "Dean!"
Everyone looks up and the mood starts to change from boring into exciting."Oeh!" Fred and George say at the same time.
I look over to Dean and Ginny and see them both blushing.
"Your turn" Ginny says after the silence almost completely returns. "Both off you" she adds and looks at het brothers with a look what says: payback time! "T or D" She asks.
"Dare" Fred and George say at the same time as if they aren't scared of her.
"I dare you to show Y/N a picture of you with your long hair!" She says with holding a photograph in her hands now.
"No!" George says.
"Yes!" I say loudly.
"We have to" Fred says. "It's no big deal."
"Our mom thought it looked nice so she didn't have us a haircut last year" George adds embarrassed while Ginny turns around the photograph.
"Is that you!" I cry. "Fred and George Weasley?" I start laughing.
George grabs the picture out of Ginny's hands and hides it under his shirt.
"To bad I've already seen it" I say to George.
"You're evil" he says.
"I know" I say with a smirk. "There are other things about me then just being a sweet little girl"
That night a lot of tea got spilled, but it was so much fun and we laughed like crazy. We tried staying up all night, but didn't succeed. Most of us fell asleep in the common room.

Re Placed (George Weasley fanfic)
Fiksi PenggemarIt all started when Y/N, a girl with a kind personality, light brown wavy hair and ocean blue eyes unexpectedly arrives at Hogwarts and becomes friends with Angelina Johnsen, Alicia Spinnet, Lee Jordan and the Weasley twins, while her history about...