Diagon Alley

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I woke up at five in the morning, and currently it was seven. I started to get dressed in the outfit I specifically chose to wear for today. Today I'm going with the Weasleys to Diagon Alley and I'm extremely excited! I walked downstairs to see Kiara already ready, she was sitting on the nook staring at the lake and counting her fingers. She counts her fingers when she is nervous or overwhelmed. I sat beside her and started to braid her hair into a beautiful French braid. Once I finished I took her hands and stood up, making her stand up with me.

"Nervous?" I asked with a hint of concern in my voice
"A little", she said while faking a smile
"Girls", my dad called "you can start walking towards the Weasleys house".

We nodded, me and Kiara walked out the door and started to head towards the Burrow. Once we reached our destination, we saw two extremely familiar gingers  playing catch.

"Georgie", I shouted while jumping into George's arms
"Freddie", Kiara screamed while jumping into Fred's arms
"Hey kiddos ready to go?" Arthur asked

We nodded, Kiara and I entered the Weasleys marvelous house and stood by the fireplace where everyone was.

"Hello dearies", Molly said while giving us a huge bear hug
"Do you remember how to use Floo powder?" Molly asked

Kiara and I nodded, we both stepped into the fire and said...

"Diagon Alley!" We shouted

Ten seconds later we were in Diagon Alley. I've never go to fully experience it, and now I can. It's even better then I imagined! Owls flew high and shops were every where you turned. I could even smell the cauldron cakes and butter beer a mile away. Kiara seemed equally fascinated as I am, she stared at the people and shops. So many kids were buying their school supplies like me, maybe I'll even have a future friend at Hogwarts that I could meet here. Who knows? We waited by the fountain for the Weasleys. After we were all reunited we set out for all the items on our supplies list. We were walking towards Ollivanders wand shop when Fred shouted...


"Hey Fred", said Cedric

I walked closer, and with one look at him I felt a swarm of butterflies form in my stomach! The ball was tall about Fred's height and had pale skin that would be easy to see a blush through. He had a defined jaw and the most enchanting smile that made my heart warm. His eyes are a Golden brown the shined in the sunlight, and his lips are the softest pink that looked so cute. And not to mention his hair, fluffy golden brown and styled in the most perfect way that would make any girl want to play with it. Cedric soon started walking towards us and greeted Fred and George until he noticed us.

"Hello what's y'all's name?" Cedric asked

"I'm Kiara, Kiara Lupin but just call me Lupin since I just met you and we're not on a first name basis." Kiara introduced herself sternly

"Alright...nice to meet you" Cedric said awkwardly while turning to face me
"And yours?"

I couldn't say anything I froze, and nothing came out of my mouth. Cedric stared at me waiting for an answer, but all I could give him was a small wave.

"Cedric, Fred, George can you please escort Kiara and Bella to Ollivanders?" Mr. Weasley asked the boys

"Sure", they replied

We all started to head towards Ollivanders wand shop, we entered to see and old creepy man at the counter. He looked old and worn out with the creepiest eyes I've ever laid my eyes on.

"Ah, here for your first wands?" He asked

"Yes sir" I squeaked

I stood forward indicating that I was going to go first. The man came back and handed me a wand. I flicked it around and the window shattered. I placed the wand on the counter and he handed me another, I waved it around and I felt this warmth form around me and I knew that this is the one. My new wand was an eleven inch wand, the wood is chestnut, and it had a unicorn hair for it's core. Kiara was next, the man handed her a wand and instantly a light formed around her. Her wand was an eleven inch wand with a dragon heart string core, and the wood was maple. We payed the man and we headed towards the exit. Cedric held the door open for me and I could feel my cheeks turn red as I blushed! We spent all day looking for our supplies. Once we got everything thing we floo powdered back to home and placed our new stuff in our rooms. When I entered my room I saw a white- brown barn owl in a cage topped with a bow. I went in Kiara's room to see her holding a cat that was a gift from my dad, my dad is amazing! Kiara named her black cat Juniper, and I named my owl Barry. I fed Barry a treat and crawled into bed thinking of Cedric, I then closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Their wands and pets:

Their wands and pets:

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