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(A/N): Hey guys just want to apologize because this chapter is going to be really short but I'm giving y'all a Cedric POV chapter 😆!


Hannah, Ernie, Daniel, and I were sitting by the fire in the Hufflepuff common room.

"So what is everyone doing on this fine Sunday?" Ernie asked

"I'm meeting up Zach!" Hannah said with a hint of flutter in her voice

"Just snog already" Daniel shot


"How about you Ced and plans?"
"Ernie and I could use some company" Daniel asked

"Sorry guys I got plans" I said

"Oh really?" Hannah smirked

"With who?" She asked

Right then as if on cue, Bella walked down the stairs. She looked confused at where she was supposed to be.

"With her", I said gesturing to Bella

"Her?" Hannah shouted

"A first year!" Ernie said looking surprised

"Yes so if you'll excuse me" I said as I got up from my seat

"Don't catch cooties from the child!" Ernie joked

"Leave the poor girl alone, she looks like Christmas came early!" Daniel said trying to keep in his laughter

"Shut up" I said while rolling my eyes

I said goodbye to my friends and walked over towards Bella and some random kid.
I'm guessing that it's her brother.

"Hello, you ready?" I asked

"U-um y-yeah, bye Nick", she said while hugging the boy goodbye

We both exited the common room and walked towards the quidditch pitch.

"Was that your brother, Nick was it?" I asked

"Oh um yes his name is Nick well Nicholas, but no he's my friend." She said with a smile

"Oh sorry y'all just look alike" I said

"I guess we do" she agreed

We both then finally made it down to the quidditch pitch. I went to the Hufflepuff tent and found a box, I took the box knowing it has the quidditch balls. I then grabbed two brooms from the broom holders and exited the tent. I found Bella sitting on the grass playing with flowers.

I picked a flower and then...

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" She asked in a high but soft tone

"Because you looked like you wanted one" I said

"I may have wanted it for it's beauty, but not at the price for a life" she said

She then took the picked flower from my hand and sat down, leaving the flower on her knee. She then dug a small hole, and placed the flower in the hole. Then she buried the flower a stood back up. I was shocked that there was a person who gave flowers a funeral, that there was a pure Hufflepuff.

"There now it will be at peace" she said as she gave me a warm smile

I smiled back still surprised by her actions

"Are we going to play quidditch?" She asked pointing to the brooms

"Well we were but I have a far better idea" I grinned

A change in heart~Book 1Where stories live. Discover now