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All the first years exited the train and stood outside waiting for our escort. I looked to my right to see Kiara and Harry holding hands and laughing together, when did that happen? I was lost in my thoughts when a loud booming voice startled me!

"First years this way, three to a boat", shouted the man

"Excuse me sir what's your name?" I asked curiously

"Rubeus Hagrid, gatekeeper of Hogwarts", he replied

"Nice to meet you", I said while walking towards the boat

I remember what Hagrid said about only three two a boat, I immediately scanned the crowd for Kiara. I saw Harry hoping she was with him but he was sitting with Ron and Hermione instead. I looked towards my left and saw this boy help Kiara into a boat, they looked so comfortable with each other like they've known each other their whole life. I speed walked towards the boat and quickly sat down before anyone else can.

"Hey Kiara, who is this?" I asked trying not to sound too awkward

"Hi Bella, this is Nicholas", she said smiling at him

"Nicholas Scamander pleased to meet you", he said while offering his hand which I took

"Hello I'm Bella Lupin, and the pleasure is all mine", I replied while I gave him a warm smile, he seems nice.

We sat in the boat waiting for the all clear from Hagrid. I sat there staring at Kiara and Nicholas, they were so engaged in their conversation about the school. I studied Nicholas's face and I could tell he fancies her, but Kiara didn't have the same face.

"Ello kids, do yer mind if this student joins yah?" Hagrid asked us

"Not at all", Nicholas said while helping the blonde girl in the boat.

"What's your name?" Kiara asked her

"Elizabeth Henderson" she said shyly

"I'm Kiara Lupin!" Kiara said

"Nicholas Scamander", said Nicholas

"Bella Lupin", I replied

"Y'all are sisters?" Elizabeth asked

"Um well, it's complicated", Kiara said

Elizabeth nodded, and soon we were off. The boats started to move and a minute later this glorious castle appeared, each student gazed at the castle excited that this will be their school!
Nicholas held Kiara's hand and she smiled, I was so confused but I didn't say anything. Once we docked I crawled out of the boat along with the others, Hagrid escorted us into the school and we were left by the stairs. I looked around to see moving portraits on the wall, along with moving staircases. I saw a man fly near us till I realized he wasn't alive, he is a ghost!

"First years?" Asked the first ghost

We nodded

"Hope to see future Hufflepuffs!" Shouted the third ghost

"Nah, they are definitely Gryffindor", the second ghost said

"As long as they're not..." the first ghost started

"Slytherin!" All the ghost groaned

"Best of luck", all the ghost shouted in unison

I don't get what's so wrong about Slytherin, it seems nice. Soon the ghosts were shooed away by an older woman wearing a robe and a pointy hat

"Good evening first years, the sorting ceremony will begin shorty. While you are here your house will be like your family, there is Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. I will be back in a moment" the woman said

She left us on the stairs, and every student looked nervous. Kiara was beside Harry and I was beside Ron.

"So the rumors are true?" Shouted a platinum blonde kid walking closer to Harry and Kiara

"Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts!" He shouted again

Every one gasped which made me even more confused.

"I'm Draco Malfoy", the boy said

Ron soon started to chuckle softly along with Kiara. Draco glared at Ron and Kiara like they just mad a huge mistake

"Think my name is funny do you, no need to ask yours red hair and a hand me down robe you must be a Weasley!" Draco snapped

"And you, if my name is so funny then what's yours?"

"Lupin to you", she replied looking furious at Draco

"You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort, I could help you there", Draco said while offering his hand to Harry.

Harry stood in front of Kiara protecting her from that ferret!

"I think I'm just fine thank you", Harry replied while putting his arm around Kiara, and I promise that I saw Nicholas crack his knuckles at the sight.

"They're ready for you now", Mcgonagall said while gesturing us to follow her

We all started to follow professor Mcgonagall towards the great hall, my heart was pounding in my chest as we entered the hall. Everyone was staring at us and in a few minutes I'll be in a house till I'm eighteen, and I could be separated from Kiara. I hope we're together because I don't know what I'd do if we were apart!

A change in heart~Book 1Where stories live. Discover now