Quidditch time!

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I was laying in my bed staring at the ceiling, the events that occurred last night were replaying in my head. I saw Bella get thrown by the troll, I shivered at the fact that my sorta sister was laying in a hospital bed unconscious! Then I remember how Harry comforted me last night but he only did it cause we're friends, the thought was still in my head as I got up and headed for the shower. I took a long hot shower and put my hair up into a ponytail. I put on a gray sweater and dark blue jeans since it was a Saturday. I walked to the great hall and sat beside Harry with Ron and Hermione in front of us.

"What are we talking about?" I asked

"We are trying to get Harry to eat something for the big game!" Hermione said with an annoyed look on her face

"Harry you need to eat, I'm going to eat and I'm a nervous wreck as well." I said

"I'm not hungry!" He snapped

I rolled my eyes and went back to eating my food. That's when I heard the voice of a monster!

"Good luck today Lupin and Potter." Snape said with his deep tone
"But if you already defeated a mountain troll, I'm sure you can get through a game of quidditch." He snarled
"Even if it is against Slytherin." Snape said quite calmly and limped away

I gulped at his words

"That explains the blood." Harry said out of nowhere

"Blood?" Hermione questioned

"Look the night we fought the troll I saw Snape have a bite on his leg with blood, that must've been the three headed dogs doing. Hagrid took me to get something out of Gringots that was top secret!" Harry explained

"So your saying..."

"That's what the dogs guarding, that's what Snape wants!" Harry said

"Come on Kiara we should head down to the quidditch pitch soon." Harry said while getting up

"I'm going to visit Bella before the game, is that alright?" I asked

"Yeah of course, do you want company?" Harry asked

"I'm okay, go get changed." I said while walking past him out of the great hall

I walked towards the infirmary to see if Bella was okay. As soon as I got there I was immediately stopped by madam Pomfrey. I quickly explained to her that I was family and she let me through, I looked around for Bella but I soon saw a ginger head sitting by a bed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"Just visiting Bella." He said

I moved the curtains to see my sorta sister looking much better. Her scars were almost sealed and her eyes looked pure and happy again!

"Bella, I'm so sorry!" I apologized as a I jumped on her and trapped her into a bear hug

"Kiara is that really you cause the Kiara I know hates bear hugs." She joked

I laughed at her accurate comment, I really did hate bear hugs. I looked at George.

"Why aren't you dressed yet we need to get ready for the game!" I exclaimed

"Right, bye ladies!" He said as he sprinted towards the exit

Bella and I chuckled at his actions and then quickly stopped and said visiting time is over.

"Madam Pomfrey when will my sister be released?" I asked trying to sound polite

"Right now so please leave so she can get dressed!" She ordered

A change in heart~Book 1Where stories live. Discover now