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Bella's POV: -July 1st
My dad, Kiara, and I finally made it back home for the summer. We walked towards the house, the beautiful fresh air that I breathed. The wind that ruffles the majestic trees, the birds chirping in the baby blue air. I'm home! I say Lupin cottage in the far distance. Kiara gave me a knowing look and we both dashed off in a race to get to the house first. I heard my dad chuckle in the background while he attempts to catch up. Kiara won in the end since I got distracted by a red cardinal that landed on a nearby tree. I sighed in defeat but didn't regret looking at the bird one bit. Kiara grinned proudly since she is very competitive. I believe she loves me as an opponent since I'm quite the opposite, I never loved competition. But I do have to admit that the adrenaline and the rush make it worth while. I stared up at my house missing it more than ever. I wanted to visit all my favorite places in the house. I walked inside and rushed to my common spot in the house, the kitchen.

I looked around to see everything in its normal spot, I traced the teal cabinets with my fingers taking in the smell of honey

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I looked around to see everything in its normal spot, I traced the teal cabinets with my fingers taking in the smell of honey. Then I decided that I should visit Kiara's favorite spot in the house since it's right next door, the library.

Kiara practically lived here when we were little, she loves books but I believe she loved the topic of Astronomy more

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Kiara practically lived here when we were little, she loves books but I believe she loved the topic of Astronomy more. My dad asked both of us what we wanted since we had two spare rooms. Kiara quickly said a library, while I said something totally different. I looked at the nook and took in the sent of old books. Kiara soon entered, grabbed a book, and plopped down on the nook and began to read. I realized that she was in her zone and I quietly exited the library. I thought it would be nice to visit my choice for the spare room, the green house.

 I thought it would be nice to visit my choice for the spare room, the green house

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