The sorting

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I stepped into the great hall hand in hand with Harry! I looked around to see four long wooden tables that sat every kid in the school, I'm guessing that each table is for a different house. I was so nervous that I didn't realize that I was gripping on to Harry's hand like a mad woman, I quickly apologized and he forgave me. We reached the end of the hall in front of the teachers table, there was a stool and an old ragged hat that began to sing! After the hat finished my stomach felt awful, I was so nervous and I really didn't want to be separated from Bella! Professor Mcgonagall started calling students names.

"Hannah Abbot", Mcgonagall called


"Hermione Granger"


"Draco Malfoy"

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat said before touching the kids head

"Nicholas Scamander"


"Ronald Weasley"


"Elizabeth Henderson"


"Bella Lupin"

"HUFFLEPUFF!" The hat shouted as Bella got up and ran to the Hufflepuff table, staring at me the whole time.

"Kiara Lupin"

I slowly walked to the stool and counted my fingers to calm my nerves. I sat on the stool and the hat was placed on my head.

"Now what do we have here, Kiara Lupin but not a Lupin at all. You have your parents in you, their personality's are in you. You are definitely your father and mother's daughter.
But where do I put you if your parents weren't in the same house? Your cunning and ambitious, a natural born leader and a slytherin in your mind. But you have courage and bravery that win the day due to your dark past. You would do great in Slytherin but Gryffindor could help you. Better be SLY-
never mind GRYFFINDOR!" The hat announced, the Gryffindors cheered loudly as I casually walked to their table. I was this close to being in Slytherin, why would it try and put me there and does the hat know about my parents?

"Harry Potter" Mcgonagall called

Everyone went silent and started whispering. Harry sat on the stool and the hat was placed on his head. The hat took a long time before finally deciding...


"We got Potter, we got Potter!" The twins shouted, I laughed.

After the sorting Dumbledor said a few words

"Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts, I have a few reminders that I would like to discuss. The Forbidden forest is absolutely forbidden to any student. Also I advise all students to stay out of the third floor unless you wish to die a painful death. Now let the feast begin" Dumbledor said as food appeared at the table

We ate our food and I mostly talked to Hermione, but I couldn't stop staring at Harry. There was just something about him that gave me butterflies, and his beautiful green eyes were so mesmerizing. I woke up from my day dream of Harry and I, I finished my food and Percy the head boy escorted us to our common room. I walked with Fred and he told me to not make enemies with Snape, I nodded and took what he said under consideration. We arrived at a portrait and I was very confused.

"Caput Draconis", Percy said

The portrait flung open and we walked inside.
There was a couch, table, fireplace, basically it had everything and I never seen anything so beautiful! The girls went to their dorms as well as the boys, I waved Harry and Ron good night and I entered my dorm. My roommates were Hermione and Parvati, and as much as I liked them I missed Bella.

The Hufflepuffs went to their common rooms following the head boy, I walked with Nicholas since he is the only person I know. When we entered the room I saw a whole lounge for us, I was so excited to lay on the couch. I sprinted towards the couch and I bumped my head on someone else's.

"Ow", I whined

"Sorry about that" a dreamy voice said, I looked up to see Cedric Diggory rubbing his head.

"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to", I said hoping that this angel won't be upset with me

"It's okay, wait I know you you're George's best friend right?" He asked

"Yup that's me", I chuckled

"What's your name?" He asked staring into my eyes

"Oh I'm Bella, Bella Lupin", I said as I offered my hand which he took, his touch gave me body chills and butterflies.

"Well good night" he said before heading towards his dorm

I finally was able to talk to the boy of my dreams! That was the best day of my life, I wish I could talk to Kiara but we're no longer together. We are separated.

A change in heart~Book 1Where stories live. Discover now