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I saw him there in the front row, an incredible smile was plastered over his face that caused my heart to stop in my chest.

I wanted to jump off of the stage and into his arms, but instead, I put my lips near the microphone.

"It's good to be back, New York." My voice seemed a bit shaky but I laughed it off. The crowd screamed and cheered in response. "You're looking beautiful as ever."

More cheers.

I looked back down the the guys in 5 Seconds of Summer, but they've already rushed to the edge of the stage.

"Looks like you guys are ready to have a good time, huh?" I kneeled down to the edge of the stairs and reached the mic out to them, Ashton responding first.

"For sure!" He sounded like a damn Kangaroo and it caused a giggle to escape my throat.

Then Calum, "I'm here for the music."

Then Michael, "Fuck yeah!"

And then, Luke, "I feel blessed."

My heart stopped again. Blessed.

"Well, I'll make it special for ya." I shot a wink at Luke and his eyes grew wide as his smile deepened. And in that instant, I swear my heart skipped a beat.

I backed up away from the edge of the stage and took a glance over to Matt, the only one of my band mates that actually knew of the teeny-tiny crush I had on Hemmings, and he nodded as I looked over to Neil, a look that screamed 'what the fuck?' plastered like a mask on his face.

I looked back to everyone, "We've got some pretty special people in the audience tonight," I smiled to everyone in the arena as they cheered and looked about themselves, "and they're standing in the front row."

Everyone's eyes shifted to the four boys standing right before me as they began whispering about them. Yeah, they looked just a bit out of place, but that shouldn't stop them from going to a show that they'd enjoy. "They're 5 Seconds of Summer."


The way her silky voice said out band's name almost caused me to piss myself right then and there. Cassidy Vausse knew who we were, and that's all that really mattered at the moment.

I hadn't even realized the crowd was cheering for us, or the fact that the other guys had turned around and were waving to everyone. I was too busy staring star-struck at the stage, watching Cassidy's every move.

I don't even think it was the fact that she was attractive which made me pay so much attention to her, I think I was the way that her fingers were gliding over the strings of her guitar as she kicked off the opening riff to one of their songs.

"Oh, my god." I gripped onto the stage, singing along to every word that flowed out of her mouth. Calum had only ever listened to Violent Silver with me once or twice, but he was standing right next to me, the words pouring out of his mouth along with mine.

I had to be friends with Cassidy.

I had to.

The only thing that kept me slightly on edge was the fact that the drummer kept eyeing me, shooting me disgusted glances. But did I care? Hell fucking no.

I shared a few words with Cassidy Vausse today and I was on top of the god damn world.

Before I knew it, the song was over. Cassidy was adjusting the straps on her guitar to fit her shoulder comfortably as the rest of the band fiddled with whatever instrument they were playing.

The way they acted on stage reminded me of the way the boys and I play, and it takes a lot to do that. The way Cassidy and Anthony played together resembled Michael and I almost perfectly and it drove me even crazier that a girl in a plaid skirt could shred just as much as I could, probably even more.

With every song they played, I found myself focusing more on the other guys in the band other than Cassidy herself. They all played an important part in the sound, and even with as much as I envied Neil, he was one of the best drummers out there. The beat he was keeping kept everyone else in line and it was really fucking great, if you ask me. I couldn't really be jealous of someone as talented as him at this point, because I knew if it came down to liking either me or Neil, Cassidy would pick Neil.

Ashton was getting really into the sound as he swung his head back and forth to the music, and Michael was jumping all about as if he were about to form his own damn mosh pit right in the front row. And if Calum was enjoying this as much as I was right now, god, I think I have gotten the boys into their new favorite band.

Then it struck me.

The concert was practically over as the final song began to play.

I would be face to face with Cassidy Vausse in about twenty minutes.

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