thunder ✿ ander muñoz

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YOU shivered as rain poured heavily outside the cabin you resides in with your friends. You couldn't sleep since every time you tried to close your eyes, thunder loudly erupted above causing you to jolt up from your pillow. There's nothing more frightening to you than thunderstorms because of how strong it becomes throughout the night and how danger it would to be out in one.

You groaned loudly, burying your head under the blanket in hopes that would help you. Though when rolls of thunder filled the atmosphere, you jumped out of your bed and wrapped your blanket around you before shuffling out the room to the kitchen. You rubbed your restless eyes as you went in the kitchen, not even bothering to turn on the light to get a water bottle from the fridge.

"Can't sleep either, huh?" You heard and you quickly turned around to see Ander sitting on a stool across from you, relaxing on the island counter that gave you both distance.

"You fucking scared me," You grumbled, "And no, I couldn't." You opened your water and sipped it lightly, "What about you?"

"I was up all night arguing with Mia," He huffed out, looking frustrated at the thought of his girlfriend, "She was pissed about me coming on the trip, especially since she told me not to go when she couldn't come."

"What are you? Her lapdog?" You laughed at little and he let out a scoff.

"She was being so unreasonable," He continued, "Literally saying that she didn't want me coming because she thought-" He then cut himself off, staring at you in the dark.

You furrowed your brows, "She thought what?"

He then glanced down, sighing loudly, "She thought that you and I were going to hook up." He then met your eyes before you chuckled, "What?"

"Mia finds me to be her biggest concern?" You laughed, "She really doesn't like me, huh?"

"Not particularly your biggest fan," He then laughed, before his phone rang silently on the counter. His laughed quickly died out before he pressed decline on his phone, "She even tried to ban me from being around you."

Your eyes went wide, "Wow, are you serious?" You asked, only to see him nod in response, "So I'm guessing you're becoming some sort of rebellion now?"

He then scratched the back of his head lightly, "Yeah, I guess so." Suddenly, his phone rang again and he sighed, "Think I should answer it?"

You waved your hand, "Do not ask me, you know my answer already."

You and Ander were best friends, both of you being closer to each other than to anyone else in your friend group. For a time, you both dated, but you felt like your friendship mattered more and that's all you guys should be- friends. It didn't bother neither of you because it made you guys closer than before, though his new girlfriend of a few months didn't really appreciate it. She was concerned that despite her dating Ander, he still had feelings for you, which she wasn't wrong about. Though, he would always disagree and tell her she was overreacting only because he didn't want to admit it to himself.

Ander let out a laugh before picking up the phone to answer it, instantly hearing yelling from the other side once he did, "Mia, can you stop yelling?"

You didn't hear her response, but you could tell it wasn't pleasant when he got up from his seat and walked off to his room without saying a word to you. You didn't mind it, though knowing how Ander always preferred his arguments with his girlfriend to be private. You went back into your room, and laid down on the bed only for you to hear a knock at your door a few moments later before it opened.

Ander peaked his head through a light from the hallway beaming theough for you to see him clearly, "Sorry I left the kitchen like that, it's just Mia was-"

"It's okay, you don't have to explain," You assured him and he nodded.

"Thanks," He mumbled, but stood silent for a while before speaking again, "Hey, do you mind if I join you? This thunder is not the best sleep aid."

You sat up and hummed, scooting to the outer side of the bed so he could lay by the wall. You watched him close the door behind him before only hearing his footsteps come close to the bed as the room was completely dark. The bed dipped a bit as he laid down next to you, sighing out heavily as relaxed against an extra pillow.

"Mia really knows how to ruin someone's night," He groaned, and you rolled over to face him as he looked up at the ceiling.

"Don't stress about it, okay?" You assured, "Watch by time we get back, you two will be back to being in love."

A light chuckle escaped him, "Love is such a odd word and concept," You furrowed your brows, but he didn't have to see you to continue, "There's so many ways to know if you love someone, but when I look at her, I-" He paused to breath out, "When I see her, I don't feel it... I don't feel love."

"You guys only been dating a few months," You explained, "It takes time for that feeling to develop."

He then turned his head to look at you, "How can that develop when we're always arguing over the same thing?" You don't respond, but felt as he rolled over on his side to face you, "Do you believe in love at first sight, y/n?"

"Sometimes," You hummed, "I think there are people that are destined for one another and no matter what or how long it takes, they'll find their way back to each other."

"Hm," He muffled out, conflicted by your words before he went on, "She gave me an ultimatum."

"What? To go back or you're over?" You asked him, your eyes not leaving his.

"Sort of," He responded, "It was more of the lines of 'I either stop being around you or we're over."

You bit the inside of your cheek lightly, "So, what did you choose?"

You saw him smile a little at your question, "Well, I'm here with you right now, aren't I?"

"You're here," You repeated, trying to process his words. He chose you over his own girlfriend- you. You swallowed the sudden lump in your throat, "You're here.. in my bed."

"In your bed," He whispered back, slowly extending his hand up to move your loose strands of hair away from your face only for you to hitch your breath when his cold fingers trailed down to your cheek bone. Even though the room was heavily dark, you knew that he was meeting your eyes.

Your bond with Ander couldn't compare to anything else in the world and tonight proved that nothing could break it. You loved Ander with all your heart and you would always nobody else but him in your eyes, knowing he felt the same.

You scoot yourself close to him and lay your head on his chest, hearing how his breathing and heartbeat synchronize as he pulled you closer to him. His arms were wrapped around you and your hand rested on his chest, causing you to no longer focus on the storm outside. You only felt comfort now instead of uneasiness, knowing that you always had Ander there to hold you.

(a/n:: who would you
guys like me to write
about next?)

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