adore you ✿ rebeca

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YOU felt Rebeca staring at you from all the way across the room. Whenever you would glance over, you'd meet her eyes and deviant smirk that made your mind run wild. You were trying to focus on your schoolwork, but every time you broke your gaze from her, she was still on your mind.

You haven't moved your pen to write in the past ten minutes because you felt you would accidentally write Rebeca's name because that's all you were focused on. You glanced back again, but this time she was busy talking to Samuel, who had just approached her. You refrained from groaning to yourself, putting your head in your hands briefly before forcing yourself to work.

You never used to think about her this way up until a few months ago at the Halloween party she had hosted. She was very flirty with you and blunt about how she felt about you- which made you begin to see her differently. She told you how she had a crush on you since she transferred to Las Encinas and how she even had a dream about you. You wanted her to go into detail about the dream, but you assumed she was drunk, causing you to not ask further and leave it alone. Though, before the party ended, she kissed you, though it was the corner of your mouth, almost touching your lips completely. That's when you were hooked.

She was different from all the other girls you've ever talked to, finding that she was the dominant type when it came to relationships. Every girl you've been with was always so soft and more vanilla than you thought you were, causing you to lose hope in finding someone until Rebeca. She walked into places like she owned it, she was quick to snap at someone who deserved, she didn't take bullshit and you loved it- every second of it.

You wanted to talk to her more, seeing as you guys where t really friends, so you ended up having her sell you drugs. You never use them, basically storing them under your bed because it was only an excuse for you to talk to her. It felt stupid to you, especially since you could have talked to her without seeming like a drug addict, but it seemed to be the only option at the time without putting all your cards out on the table.

When the bell rang, you put your things away and stood up before looking over at Rebeca to see she was doing the same. You let out a shaky sigh and walked over to her, smiling once she met your eyes, "Hey."

"Hey, beautiful," She instantly complimented, and you already felt like mush, "What's up?"

For a second, you were caught off guard by the question since only moments ago, you both kept looking at each other only to act like nothing happened now. You cleared your throat, however, holding onto the straps of your bookbag, "I- uh, I was just wondering if you had any today?"

"Of course I do," She hummed, "Locker room?" You nodded and she walked off first without another word. You hesitantly walked off too, following her discreetly as you both made it inside the locker room. By time you got there, she was already digging in her bag, "How many, princesa?"

"Uh, the usual," You stammered out and she hummed again before pulling out a dime of cocaine. She looked at you with expectation, making you realize last minute that you had to give her the money. Frantically, you went through your bag, pulling out your money for her. You felt like your hand was shaking as you held it out to her, though she didn't notice when she replaced the money with the dime, "Thanks."

"No problem," She shrugged, but counted the money only giving you back $10 from it, "Since you're my most loyal customer."

You let out a light chuckle, "Yeah, thanks." For some reason, you couldn't find enough words to speak a full sentence, but you kept your mouth slightly open, hoping to just word vomit at this point.

"You alright, y/n?" She wondered and you quickly nodded, causing her to laugh, "Is it because of what happened in class? I'm sorry if I weirded you out, okay? I know you've been acting strange around me since Halloween."

"Oh, no!" You shake your head, "It's not that at all. I'm just-" You paused, not knowing how to say your sentence with feeling complete embarrassment, "I just- I just get nervous sometimes."

"You don't seem like someone to be so nervous," She told me, "But hey, who am I to judge? I get nervous too, don't worry about it."

"Yeah, but I- um," You were tripping over your words, feeling like an idiot for not speaking properly. It was like at any second, your legs would cave in beneath you, "I.. I usually only get nervous around you."

"I make you nervous?" She asked, her infamous smirk rising on her lips.You lowered your head, shyly, but she was quick to pick it up and stand closer to you.

"That came out wrong," You panicked, "I just meant-"

"Don't worry, princesa," She assured before leaning in and placing a soft kiss on the corner of your mouth for the second time you two were alone together. You closed your eyes at her touch, taking in her perfume as she stood so close to you, thibking back to the first time she did it.

You could feel her lips gently making you feel warm through your entire body. You wanted to grab her face or move yours so your lips could finally enjoy it fully. You wanted her, right in the locker room, but before you could make a move, she stepped back and placed a lollipop she had in her mouth. She eyed you patiently, smirking as she saw your flushed face.

She then nudged you to make you come out of your trance, "Come on, princesa, let's go to class."

(A/N:: If you guys want to request an imagine, fill out the form in the second chapter so I can keep track and not miss anyone thank youuu❤️)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2021 ⏰

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