friends pt.1 ✿ ander muñoz

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(inspo:: @xxirwin)

YOU and Ander have been friends since childhood. You guys practically done everything with each other since being in diapers and still do. Everyone would think you guys were dating regardless of how many times either of you or Ander would say that you guys were just friends.

"How about this?" You asked, walking out of your closet and at the doorframe to show Ander your new dress, but he was too into his phone. You groaned, "Ander!"

"I'm looking, I'm looking.." He mumbled, but his eyes were still on his phone until you threw a pen from your dresser at him, causing it to hit his forehead, "Ow, y/n!"

"I want you to look!" You huffed out, watching him raise his head as he rubbed it. You smiled in satisfaction and twirled, "So?"

"Uh," He paused, noticing how the dress was more revealing than the last two. There were times Ander would sit down and realize he likes you more than a best friend should, but chose to never admit it out loud in case you rejected him. So in fear of rejection, he's been talking to a lot of girls and hooking up with them, only to tell you in the end because he assumed letting you know was what friends should do. Little did he know, you hated every conversation he had about his new girl of the week. He cleared his throat, rubbing his head slower to eye you, "Is there a longer one?"

You glanced down at the dress and raised a brow at him, "No, what's wrong with this one?"

"It's just it's more.. out there," He tried to phrase, but then you crossed your arms over your chest, which he wished you didn't do. He sat up fully instead of laying out on your bed because he could feel his pants grow tight, "What about that red dress? I liked that one."

"You said the same about every dress, Ander," You groaned, tossing your hands up before turning to go in your closet, causing Ander to watch you walk off to change.

"Look, we're going to the same club we always go to, there is no need to dress special," He assured you, but when you poked your head, he laughed lightly, "Okay yeah, I know it's Valentine's Day, but it's still nothing to stress over."

"Yes it is."

He furrowed his brows at you, "And why is that?"

"Because," You paused to step out of the closet with the red dress he suggested, "I don't want to go home alone tonight."

He scoffed, but noticed your serious expression, causing a frown to form on his face, "Are you for real?"

"Look, you get to be with all the girls you want and live your life to the fullest, why can't I just for one night?" You wondered, so he shrugged before you went to your mirror. When you did, he realized the red dress was almost as bad as the one you just had on. "Don't worry, Ander, I'm not looking for something serious."

"Why not?"

"Why aren't you?" You retorted, a smirk on your face, "You text girls and hookup with them like crazy, yet aren't committing to a single one, why not?"

He shrugged again, "They aren't my type." You laughed, so he gave you a raised brow, "What's funny?"

"So you hook up with girls you're not even attracted to?" You asked, "If they're not worth your time, why do you even talk about them to me?"

"Because the situations I get in with them is hilarious enough to share or I feel more comfortable speaking to you rather than the guys," He explained and you hummed before putting on lip gloss.

"Are any of your little girlfriends coming to the club?" He shrugged again silently before going back to his phone as you finished getting ready.

"So, anyone at the club you're trying to impress?" Ander then asked you, but in hopes for a 'no'.

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