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(If u end up listening to the song.. wait till I tell u to press play.. it'll add to a certain part in this chapter..)

I run my fingers over the silky dress, a smile appearing on my face as I stare at my reflection in my vanity mirror

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I run my fingers over the silky dress, a smile appearing on my face as I stare at my reflection in my vanity mirror.

I decided to choose something more fancy since I hadn't seen anybody all day. I slide on my brown converse and double check my makeup and hair before leaving my room. I put my fuzzy leopard-print bag on my shoulder, sliding my phone and an extra lipstick inside.

I wasn't in a rush so I search the house for my brother. I peek around the corners, hoping he wasn't attempting to scare me as usual.

I shrug, stepping back up the stairs and searching every room. Finally, I find him laying on his bed, face in his pillow with his phone on the floor. He releases a loud sigh, scratching his neck.

"Griffin?" I say in a light tone, making my footsteps towards him very quiet. I take a seat on the edge of the bed, facing the opposite way of him. He didn't jump, but I knew my presence surprised him.

"She fou-" it's all I heard with his inaudible mumbles, his head in the pillow. I place a hand on his back.

"I can't hear you, Griff." I say. He picks up his head and turns on his side..

"She found out about Daisy." He said. Griffin didn't seem as upset as I would have thought. He just seemed to have a lot on his mind.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I offer.

"Aren't you going somewhere..." he says, closing his eyes.

"Well- yes. But I'm here for you and I'm listening." I smile. He slowly sits up and stares at me.

"You'll really listen?" He says.

"Yes of course. Go on.." I say, setting down my bag. He sighs once more.

"Hailey found out that there was something up with Daisy. We talked about it earlier, and figured it was best if we split up." He begins, "I like her.. she was so good to me and I just stepped all over her.. but on the other hand, I think I'm in love with Daisy." He looks at me once more.

My heart dropped. That was a sentence I never expected to hear.

"Wow, Griff... that's amazing. You should really go for her." I smile.

"I'm going to give myself time..." he says, "I'm just- so down because I feel like I let Hailey down. I don't know, I just need to think." He rubs his temple.

"Well, you take the time you need." I add.

"I think I'm going to stay here tonight. You go have some fun." He bumps me, making smiles appear on both of our faces.

"Alright I'm outa here.. bye!!" I say, grabbing my bag and shutting his bedroom door behind me, making my way out the door.

I start up the Jeep and hop in, turning up the radio to see what music was on. The song 'I Can't Handle Change' by Roar. I turn the volume up more slightly and make my way down the street.

𝐿𝑈𝑋 // 𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑡𝑜𝑛 𝑀𝑜𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑒𝑖𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now