Back to the same old soon :(

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POV - Louis

As I slowly opened my eyes I was met with a sleeping Harry curled up to my chest I cooed at him I remember bringing him up here it was a nightmare trying to get the twins up without waking them or Harry up

I started to softly stroke Harry's brown curls I see him move a bit so I kissed his head making him open one eye he looked up and then snuggled more into me I smiled and held him closer.

"Hey beautiful" I say in a soft voice it's so nice to see him laid down in my bed snuggled up and cute it's like it was natural to see him in my room then his I love him so much.

"Morning loubear" he says getting up and taking his shirt of which I find weird a bit but he did it every time I just look at his tone stomach and I felt fire bright loveable fire erupt in my my mind ahhhhhhh why's this boy gotta be so hot.


"Yea a little" he says now going back to the position he was in before I already had my t-shirt of which meant our bare chests touch and I felt electricity in veins it was so warm his jest I loved it so I cuddled him more and if wanted to get closer I don't think we could.

As the day went on I got sadder we decided to have a lazy day at mine watching movies and chilling and being close as we normally are.

But I got sad because I knew soon that I couldn't be able to be with Harry every day because he was going back to school and yea I was at the same school but what if he ignored me what he was embarrassed of me all these thoughts went through my head I couldn't think straight




That's weird I think as I keep trying to his attention it doesn't work then I see one single tear slip from his so gorgeous blue eyes I instantly wipe it way not wanting my baby to cry.

"What's up baby" I say now sitting even more closer to Louis.

Louis finally looks in my eyes I see the use to be bright blue eye are now a greyish colour I hate them eyes that colour I've never seen them like that and it's horrible.

"What's up lou tell me"

He looks more into my eyes looking deep and then he starts to speak.

"I don't want to go back to school I wanna be here with you only you." He says giving me a a tight hug i of course hug back tighter though this boy my boy is wanting me not wanting to go to the normal life he lived and I agree I want this not me going to school every day and walking around being a bit bullied but luckily I had Lottie I'll miss him even though I'll see him around it won't be the same.

"Louis look at me" I say he moves his chin so it's in front of me I take a hold of his chin stroking it slowly in small circles

"I feel the same Lou I don't want to do any of that I want you only but we can't I'll still try and see you every day because I love you Louis I'll do it any day for you"

I see Louis lips curve a bit into a smile and that makes me smile he's so adorable it hurts.

"I love you too" Louis was leaning in and our lips connect this doesn't feel like the other times we've kissed it's more powerful as contains more love then a tree has for its leafs I slowly pull wanting my breath back we both have our head touching we are so close that I feel his hot breath flow around my neck and across my neck it gives me shivers that I love the kind that make you happy and giddy in side.

I lean back and we kiss more this one getting quite heated I feel Louis swipes his tongue across my bottom lip asking for access I allow him in we explore each other's mouths like it was a piece of art, Louis was going in every place he could get his tongue I loved the feeling of my mouth being so warm but soon we pulled away ro try and catch our breaths.

"Wow" Louis says as he slides his hands under my shirt and he places his soft jelly type hands on my hips.

That evening the two boys spent the rest snogging each other's faces of when the Tomlinsons family wasn't there they also snuggled watching countless of movies that they hardly watched do to them being to involved with each other.

And I wouldn't blame them it was only 3 days till there life's would go back to being normal.

But in that moment it was the present not the past nor the future just now for the two boys who snuggled close enjoying each other a lot.


Very short I know but I wanted to make it short because this gonna lead on to something I'm not sure yet but something will come up :) bye ily x

Hey so next chapters gonna take a while so I'm gonna do a one shot thing I did months ago because I took ages on it honestly I really like it so that'll be posted next 😁

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