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Me and Harry got dressed just some comfy clothes we tried being quiet but Lottie woke up and now she wants to come saying "you can't steal my bestie" so shes coming honestly I don't mind it's not the first time she hasn't done this she can actually play just a bit and all.

We're in my car right now heading for the football pitch and I'm trying to not look at Harry but his hair looks so soft and cute.

I quickly get cut of from my thoughts when Lottie asks a question.
"So what's with you two?"

We both looked at each other knowing that Lottie will not believe us if we start to lie and honestly I don't now what me and Harry are but I know that in the future I want him to be my everything.

Luckily we dint have to answer as I pulled into the car park of the pitch we all got out and I grabbed my ball that I put in like a week ago.

We walked down to were the pitch is and as soon as Niall and Liam spotted me they came running to me I did the same yea we might have seen each other a few weeks ago and all but that's still to long for us three.

They both jumped at me making me fall to the floor we all laugh at that and hug.

Pov- Harry

When I saw the two other lads (I think they are called Nigel and Lima not quite sure) jump on Louis I felt a pang of jealousy go through me and yea I've felt that before but not that intense.

They all got up and said a couple hellos intill they spotted me and Lottie.

"This is Harry and you already know Lottie my sister."
Louis said giving me a wide smile I smiled back at him and I felt the jealousy leave me.

"Hey I'm Niall"
Ah that's his name good I'm happy he told me because Nigel really he doesn't look like a Nigel at all.

"I'm Liam nice meeting you"
Oh yea great I need to listen more.
"Same to you"

"Right come on pass the ball tommo"
Niall said now running up the pitch and doing hand motions to Louis to pass the ball.

"Yea come on" Liam said now teasing Louis.

"Alright you girls I'm coming" he turned around and gave me a smile and ran of.

Me and Lottie sat down on the front seats and I just admired Louis who was now tackling liam for the ball.

"So gonna tell me about what's going on with my brother and you?"
Lottie asks now looking at me I let a sigh and look at Lottie who is basically begging.

"I can't tell you Lottie it's not fair on Lou."
I'm telling her the truth I cant tell her that I'm going go on a date with her brother because Louis isn't out to his family and that's up to him when he wants to tell them.

"Oh come on haz we're besties and I know louis' gay ever since he was young I had my suspicions and I saw you and him sleeping in his bed now spill."

So I told her everything and hows he's terrified maybe I shouldn't of but I've held things in before and that dint help me at all.

"Wow well you'll look after him right? I know he may seem strong but he's just a baby inside Harry and honestly I would rather have you be with him then anyone else."

"Of course I will lots I've been crushing on him for ages and honestly he's really special to me"
Before I could say anything else Louis plopped down next to me.

Pov- Louis

Its been about 20 minutes of running around and just messing about when I get tired, I walk over to the seats we're Harry and Lottie are chatting and sit down next to Harry and I get my water bottle out my bag.

"I got the crush on my sisters friend"Where stories live. Discover now