The Ride

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I wake up to my alarm buzzing on my phone normally when it's the start of summer holidays I would quickly press snooze on it but today I jumped out of bed, too see it was nine in the morning great that gives me a couple of hours to get ready and pack, I'm so excited that I think my cheeks will explode.

I have a quick shower and get dressed in to comfy clothes I go down stairs to see Gemma on the couch probably talking to her boyfriend and mums in the kitchen probably with robin yes my parents split a while back but it's better now because I've got a step dad he's better then my bio dad, I walk into the kitchen and grab a bowl of cereals and sit at the table and eat.

After breakfast I start to head of the kitchen but I decide to tease Gemma about her lover before I go up to pack.

POV- Louis

"Come on if you want to pick up your friend."
I hate this when I get dragged in by Lottie to grab her friends but I don't like the fact that this friend is a lad like I don't want him with my sister I'm protective of her and ain't having some hormonal teen boy all over her.

"I'm coming calm down!" A voice from upstairs coming closer by every step.
"Oh and Lottie no funny business with this kid." Yes I may be her brother and sometimes I might annoy her but I will protect her at all costs!
"Louis I don't think well be up to the funny business." She says with a chuckle heading to put her shoes on near the door where I'm stood don't she see I'm not blind?
"He's a boy you know"
"Louis ew!! Don't forget he's gay you know he's more like a brother." That's what I said to a girls parents doesn't mean shit.

"Still anyways we need to get going" so they were both of heading to Harry's I already knew where Harry lived as I've had drop and pick Lottie up a lot for Harry's birthday party or when she has sleep overs

The ride was short and they was soon stepping stones out of the car,
Lottie ran over to the door and knocked from how hard she knocked on the door she could of woken up the whole street.

The door swung open to see a curly beautiful green eyed boy standing tall and then embraced Lottie after the hug broke apart and Harry waved probably to his mum and brought his suitcase out and I stood there staring at the boy but I was quickly out of it when Lottie shouted for me to open the boot.


I was rushing about grabbing all things I need, I finally got all of it by sitting on it and zipping it up.

I brought the suitcase downstairs when I got to the last stairs they was a loud knock on the door I instantly new who it was from the knock, I ran over to the door and swung it open to see a blonde blued eyed girl looking very excited before I could say hello she crushed me into a bone crushing hug I quickly accepted by rapping my arms around her slim waste.

After like felt an hour she let go and gave me a look to come on, I walked out before I shouted good by to mom an a reply with "love you sweetheart, oh and behave." I shouted I will and shut the door by dragging the suitcase behind me.

I looked up from the ground as I'm very clumsy so I have to see where my legs go so I don't trip, I saw small boy against a his car I'm guessing as Lottie told me her brother was picking me up, I swear though when I looked up that the blued eyed boy was staring directly at me it wasn't a look saying you better stay away from my sister no it was like... I don't know like an admiring look wow what no that's no I shuck my head and got to the boot of the car.

The boy got out of whatever he was thinking when Lottie shouted at him I tried containing my laugh but a little giggle came out,
Louis looked right at me and green met blue his eyes were like the top half of the ocean they were beautiful.

"Here let me help?" Harry heard a voice come from the side of him he grabbed my suitcase and his biceps stuck out to Me as he lifted his suitcase into the car.
When Louis closed the boot of the car I was still stood there admiring the view Lottie must of already got in the as they was no sight of her, I swore I saw a little twinkle in the older boys eye Louis had the cutest smile and when smiled at Me his eyes where covered by his long eye lashes.

Harry quickly smiled back and walked over to the car door in the back and sat down.

Authors notes
This chapters a bit long but I think it's alright hope you enjoyed.
Next chapter will be good I hope I haven't done it yet:)))

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