One thing

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When I woke up I saw a very peaceful curly boy next to me then again more like holding me but I don't mind it's very warm and comfortable when I'm in his arms it's like all my problems disappear.

I look out my window to still see it's dark I groan at that knowing that I'm not going to be going back to sleep so I untangle myself from the very cute boy and head to my desk.

I sit down on my chair and grab my note book I like to write music to express myself no one knows and I don't intend on telling anyone it's just one of those things that's mine and I'm terrible at singing I don't believe I'm good at all.

I grab my pen and think of things that I can try and make into lyrics then it comes to me Harry...

After awhile of putting notes I grab the key points and mash them up to at least have some lines that I can form into a song.

I then get it all together and this is one of the best songs I've done yet and it's about how I just want Harry and he got that one thing about him you know and I can't explain it and these lyrics really express my feelings because before we got close I wanted him notice that I was crushing on him and that I want him in my arms because he just looks so cuddly.

I sit there trying to finish it when I see little Phoebe walk in.
"Hey pheebs what's up"
She jumps on my lap and I put my pen down wrapping my arms around her.

"I had a nightmare LouLou"
"What was it about love" she looks up and snuggles into her brother and knowing she's safe.

"Come on"
She then starts to explain that she was forgotten and no one wanted her and that she felt really lonely then she said that she then woke up and then walked into Louis room.

"Oh darling we would never leave you ok don't worry we love you to much." Louis says now picking up the small girl and taking her back to her room.

"Thank you loulou"
"No problem now come on get some sleep and think of happy things"
Louis says tucking phoebe in.

"Can I ask you one question?"
She asks now holding up one finger Louis nods his head and then she asks.

"Why is Harry in your bed loulou?"
The question makes Louis blush like crazy then he nows that he has to answer the question and then he panics not knowing what to say but luckily he takes control of his nerves.

"The couch was really uncomfortable for haz so he slept in mine"
Oh great Louis just great he thought that's so believable but to his luck phoebe believed it and he kissed her cheek and then he headed back to his room.

I sat back at my desk and picked my pen up now finishing the end of the song.

I finished the song awhile ago and now I was just watching my clock it is only 4:28 and i know that non of the family will be awake intill hours so I have a lot of time to myself.

He was still looking up at the wall then he felt some very soft arms wrap around him he looked behind him to see Harry he instantly smiled at Harry and jumped out of his seat he and Harry hugged just loving the company of each other.

"How long have you been up?" Harry asks now sitting on my chair and patting his lap I sit on Harry's lap wrapping my legs around his waist and my hands starts to play with a some loose curls.

"About 2 hours" I replay looking into the forest green eyes while Harry did the same with him.

"What you been up to then" I look to my note book more like my lyrics book but I'd rather keep it simple Harry follows my gaze and looks at the book and I see the curiosity in his eyes wanting to desperately know what's in there.

"What's that" he says looking into my eyes again.
I grab the book and not knowing if I should show Harry.

"I write songs in it" I say in a whisper hoping Harry won't hear me but he does.

"Really can I read one"
I nod and I see Harry's dimples appear and I then smile.

He grabs the book from my hands and reads the song I just wrote and I see every word soak into Harry's head it's amazing to see him analyse every word I've never felt or had a connection with any of my exes like this.

He then starts to whisper the words like he's reading it again he then says it more louder and I can hear how soft and good his voice is and then I decide to join in and our voices mix together making it sound amazing.

I've tried playing it cool
But when I'm looking at you
I can't ever be brave
'Cause you make my heart race

Shot me out of the sky
You're my kryptonite
You keep making me weak
Yeah, frozen and can't breathe

Something's gotta give now
'Cause I'm dying just to make you see
That I need you here with me now
'Cause you've got that one thing

So get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
And you've got that one thing

Now I'm climbing the walls
But you don't notice at all
That I'm going out of my mind
All day and all night

We carry on focused on both reading the lyrics and singing them and I hear how beautiful he is.

So get out, get out, get out of my mind
And come on, come into my life
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
And you've got that one thing

After the songs ended we both take a breath very tired after that Harry looks into my eyes and so do I then I lean in to Harry but then my phone rings I look at it to see it's Liam I give Harry a apologetic look then I answer to Liam

"What's up Li"

"Omg is Louis Tomlinson awake that's a surprise" I laugh at how stupid Liam can be but say a yea I know and what do you want.

"Ah yea well I was wondering if you want to come and play some footie with me and Niall?"

"Liam it's 5 in the morning"
"Yea I know that it's just me and Niall are up and bored so will you we can to maccies"

"Liam you cant brib me with food that only works with Niall"
"Ya I know but will you come"

I think and then I look down at the younger boy I put the call on silent then ask Harry not wanting to leave him.

"Do you want to come with me and play some footie?"
He looks at me for a moment then nods I cheer not to loud though and he giggles at my behavior.

"Your still a kid aren't you"
"Of course"

So I tell Liam that I will be coming and Harry will be as well I know that Niall and liam will love Harry because I've known them for years and they never judge there my only friends except Stan.

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