episode 9: baking

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"I can't believe you haven't done baking yet!" Harry said in disbelief, pushing the elevator's buttons as it opened. He took her arms, holding her palms with his. She blushed, hiding her cheeks to the side.

Harry noticed what he has unconsciously one, he immediately pulled away and hid his face coyly by turning it away.

"I always wanted to learn it, but Albert said we can just pay off people to do it for us. He said it would be just a waste of time. " She said, looking at him. He rolled his eyes after hearing her words. He doesn't know why out of all the old men in this world, Taylor chose him.

"Well, now we have time to waste." He remembered what happened the last time he was in an elevator. He gulped, closing his eyes as he shook his thoughts away.

As he opened his eyes, he saw Taylor looking at him with a confused facade. She shook her thoughts away, alerted by the ding sound by the elevator.

The doors opened. Harry picked his keys out of his pocket, making a jangling sound from the metal. They walked through the corridors, whislt Harry was scanning for his room. His feet came to a halt as he found his room. He inserted it in the doorknob, unlocking it.

It then revealed a wide beautiful room, Tayloe kept her hands at her back as her eyes wandered around.

"Beautiful right? Did it with my hard-earned money." He winked, making Taylor roll her eyes. He led her to the kitchen, making her sit on a chair. He gave her a glass of water, placing it on the table in front of her.

"You mean your grandma's hard-earned money?" She replied, sipping her water. Harry ignored her question, opening the cabinets to prepare the baking tools. He placed it on the table, going to the sink to wash his hands.

"Silence means yes." Taylor said, making Harry chuckle. She went to the sink, washing her hands too. She wiped her hands on her shirt, making it slightly wet.

Harry motioned her to come near him, he made her look at how he made the dough. She focused intently on his hands, how they kneaded the dough. Harry looked at her, his gaze was on her yet she didn't notice.

He chuckled, finding her cute.

"You wanna try it?" Harry asked, his hands halting as Taylor looked up at him. She nodded, he backed away to give her space.

He watched how she kneaded the dough with such focus, he could see her gaze stuck on it. Her eyebrows were slightly narrowed as she was kneading.

Harry snucked up behind her, holding her hands as he guided her how to do it properly. He was behind her, Taylor could feel his hot breath fan her cheeks. He mumbled some instructions, his deep accent sending shivers down her spine. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to focus on the dough instead of his deep voice.

"That's how you do it, okay?"  He said, continuing to hold her hand as she was forming the dough.

He then realized he's been holding her hand too long, making him freeze as his thoughts came. He closed his eyes, mentally facepalming his self.

"Harry? I think It's done." Taylor whispered, making Harry open his closed lids.

"Damn right it is." He chuckled, taking the dough off the table as he placed it on the pan. He closed the stove as he placed the dough inside.

He dusted off his hands, cleaning up the flour left on his shirt. He walked to the couch where Taylor followed. She sat beside him, crossing her legs as she looked at Harry.

He licked his lips, turning his head away as soon as he saw her shiny legs. Don't let temptation take on you, he mumbled silently to his self as he stared at the floor.

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