episode 21: blood

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Fright was the first thing that ran inside his mind. His world was spinning and everything seemed blurry. He couldn't believe that this has just happened.

"This is all my fucking fault." His thoughts repeatedly said as his gaze fell drunk on Madelyn's glass of wine—playing some scenarios of what could be happening.

His breath was shallow as his steps were dazed, he was looking for something to grip his weight on. His hands were shaky from regret and misery, the light from the dancefloor shining above him.

"Fuck." He said before running out of the venue to find his car.

He almost tripped from the pavements as he was too blacked-out to even think. This is just a full nightmare.

As soon as he turned on the engine, He wiftly called Taylor's contact number.

The phone rang, but it took for several minutes for the receiver to pick it up. The first seconds of the call was only filled with static noise, and that just scared Harry more.

"Fuck." He said as he called out her name. "Taylor?" His heart was beating so loud as if it was going to explode out of his heart. His eyes glistened with tears as his nightmares came into reality.

"Well, well."

He heard a rough, deep voice in the call—sending him into a deep spiral. That wasn't the sweet and innocent voice he was looking for.

"Where the fuck is she?" Harry ylled into the phone as he started driving. He doesn't know where he's going and just following where the road takes him.

His mind spinned around as his hands controlled the wheel mindlessly, he could crash any second now with his dazed sight but he doesn't care at all.

All he wants to do is find his sweet little angel.

"Is this the little pretty boy?" He snickered before hearing laughs of other men too. That idea has just sent millions of stings around his skin.

"Where the fuck is she?" He said before the man could say another word. Harry cntinued driving down the highway, bringing his self wherever the road takes him.

The man giggled, "Woah, slow down—Styles.  No need to get all wild. I'm sure Rose is having a good time with me." Harry rolled his eyes before pushing the pedal as he made the car go faster. Albert continued, "Oh, I meant Taylor. Little dimwit thought she could lie to me."

His heart beated faster as he could hear another flock of laughs fly through the ringing air again. Sweat dropped hrough his forehead as his heart was about to explode from its constant beatung.

"Where—" Before he could even repeat his question, Albert finally answered.

"Our hotel room." Those were the last words  that he heard from the evil man before the call abryptly stopped.

He threw his phone across the passenger seat before drifting the car right to a familiar road.

A familar road.

Tears streamed down his face as he remembered the sweet memories from the recent pass: how his feet would always turn cold under from nervousness as he would go visit her, how his heart would explode in his chest as he thinks of the words to say to her once she sees that innocent face he's been looking for.

He wants her—to be his.

But now, that seemed impossible.

He parked on an alleyway as soon as he saw lights flickering on top, Giovani's hotel.

He fiercely ran through the elevator before going on to the top floor. He knows she's here. He's been here before.

She had the biggest room out of everyone—of course, her "love" owned the hotel.

He ran through the halls before spotting her room. Without anytime to think, he bursted into the door.

There, he saw a bunch of men with Albert behind. His evil figure was sitting on a small chair, his hair was lightened up by the lamplight.

"Oh, glad you're here. I'm tired of hearing her little wisps."

His face fell disheartened as soon as he saw her face. Dry tears on her porcelain cheeks, her lips partly opened as sobs escaped. A cut on her red plump lips as her hair was ruffled. She was in pain.


That was the last thing Harry saw before a strong force hit him out of consciousness.

Hey! I'm back with something short. Expect more updates soon. Hope you guys would forgive me for the future chapters. ❤😥

Going to rewrite this too in the process! So please reread it once I rewrite it! I'll be adding more things too, like aesthetics!

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