chapter two

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OMG SOMEONE ADDED THIS STORY TO A READING LIST!!!!!!!!!!!! im sorry but im so excited rn, i think the user was jazzy_uwu but i cant remeber. anyways thank you so much you really have no idea how much it means to me!
Y/U/N= your username
oh and i meant to put this on the last part but it didnt work for some reason
WARNING! lots of cursing


i wake up and emeditally pick reach for my phone. i try to focus on the bright screen but that was difficult because i was hardly awake, my eyes finally focus just enough for me to be able to read '11:28AM', this wasnt unusal for me. since i have a full time job as a twitch streamer, and dont have a "normal" job i can wake up when ever i want, unless i have an important stream scheadualed (idk how to spell lmao). i got up and didnt bother getting dressed, i entered my kitchen and headed straight for the fridge. there wasnt a whole lot there, just some monster, a slice of cheese cake, and a half eaten pizza from the night before. i went for the cheese cake and grabbed a monster aswell, then went back to my room so that i could start editing a  youtube video i had to post later.

Quackity/Alex POV:

i log off Minecraft, since i was getting kinda bored i decieded to check twitter. i scrolled through notifications, liking the occasional fanart. nothing new really, but a certain notif stood out to me, '@Y/U/N followed you' i had heard that username somewhere i just couldnt remeber where. i followed them without even looking at there page, i dont know why, it just felt right.


i finnished eiditing the video and posted it. i glanced at the clock i had on my wall, it was an anolog clock "i cant read that shit" i muttered to myself and checked my phone for the time, '2:32', right under the time was a notification from twitter the read, '@QuackityHQ followed you ' "damn he followed back" i said with an excited tone in my voice, i didnt know why i was excited, i didnt even really know this guy.

sorry for such short chapters but it once again is 3 in the morning and my fingers hurt from writing essays for school
i promise ill start writing longer chapters and not wait till past midnight to update
anyways i love you all and i hope you are having a great day/night!!! :)

end of chapter
441 words 

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