carleigh x thayne

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also how does it feel knowing that this book has like 200 ships in it 

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also how does it feel knowing that this book has like 200 ships in it 

honestly don't know what to think about this

i really don't know anything about this ship and idk where this came from and why it exists but i don't ship it 

this part is unrelated to the ship so you can skip this bit but I'm sorry i haven't been updating this recently and its not because theres not enough ships, these ships have been in my drafts for a while but i never finished them because I'm just really unmotivated and not really a part of the hamilton fandom anymore

a lot of the shitty things some members of the OBC have started showing up and I'm just losing my respect for a lot of them

either way thank you for reading all these ship opinions. i don't think this will be the end, but if it is, thank you for following along with me randomly updating this whenever i feel like it 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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my hamilton ship opinions because i had the sudden urge to make thisWhere stories live. Discover now