Philip X Maria

72 4 4

Oh god

Compared to the others..
 the age gap isn't as big

... But still

during the affair maria was 23 

and according to the musical

our buddy pip was 


so that's just vERY wrong 

i feel like this is just because janthony...but jeggy exists and that's less creepy..? so

if you are gonna ship any ship in any musical because of 2 cast members dating 

at least make it make sense and not pedophilia/ incest/ whatever the fuck

with any ship w philip you can say that 

he was still alive at 19yrs old ( not for long tho..but its fics so yk they can pretend he didn't die) and that would make it not pedophilia because age of consent 

well you see

...age gap..? 

its not just philip aging 

the other person ages too so uh-


my hamilton ship opinions because i had the sudden urge to make thisWhere stories live. Discover now