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you see 

i feel bad for shipping it 

bc real people 

but at the same time

how can you not ship it 

at least a little 

except yk i don't think i can say i only ship it a little 

the smooches might just be jokes 

but still 

it does get taken too far when shippers say that lin should divorce Vanessa tho since they are happily married with children 

and its kinda wrong when fanfics depict Vanessa as a bitch 

i mean we kinda need a valid reason for lin to not be with Vanessa i guess but Vanessa is a good person and stuff 

so i kinda approve

my friends are gonna stab me for this because i kinda have a grofflin problem but 

some shippers need to chill 

my hamilton ship opinions because i had the sudden urge to make thisWhere stories live. Discover now