Philgeorges(Philip x Georges washington de lafayette)

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i know i said Jedams didnt make sense because John adams wasnt on stage and was just mentioned i guess

but George isn't even mentioned at all

once act 2 came around Lafayette wasn't talked about other than in cabinet battle 2 because of war 

we don't know what happened to his family and that he named his child Georges Washington 

i only found out because i searched it them up (which is a pretty good thing since the musical doesn't tell you everything) and also because of a youtube comment 

imo if you were to ship philip with anyone, philidosia is the ship for you 

this is still better than Jefferson x Philip though since it isn't pedophilia 

it isn't that bad but it doesn't make that much sense

my hamilton ship opinions because i had the sudden urge to make thisWhere stories live. Discover now