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imo this is kinda like lippa 

which i don't ship bc 

shipping real people is kinda odd (with some exceptions ig)

with lippa and linthony 

if you do ship hamliza or lams 

its acting 

they do have great chemistry on stage but it's acting 

and they also have their significant others 

now w grofflin

its a joke 

but its also kinda hard not to ship 

i sound like a huge hypocrite rn but 

lin and Anthony are great friends 

but they didn't really kiss each other like yk the whole grofflin thing

same goes for lin and Pippa (they did kiss but its acting for a musical)

Groff and lin did kiss as a joke but its more of a valid reason than those two imo

it probably sounds weird that i kinda ship grofflin 

and hate the other hamilcast ships 

but with all ships w real people 

we should stop shipping it if they are uncomfortable with it 

they didn't say anything about whether they are uncomfortable with lippa and linthony 

but they could be and not saying anything 

i guess my point with this is that 

if lin and Groff are fine w kissing as a joke for the fans 

they are probably more comfortable grofflin being a thing 

my hamilton ship opinions because i had the sudden urge to make thisWhere stories live. Discover now